
MonteCarlo and Tools for the LHC

TAE School, Barcelona Sept 2010

3x1h Lectures are given on MC's developments for the LHC.

The PDF of the lectures can be found here.

The examples and exercises are related to physics at the LHC.

Basic aspects of QCD

Here I collect some material for exercises.

Various Tests and exercises

A collection of test, exercises, and web applications on the basics of pQCD can be found in QCD-exercises.pdf.

Going NLO
  1. pp>H at LO (1-loop): details of the calculation (Mathematica Notebook) HiggsGG-LO-mtfinite.nb
  2. pp>H at NLO: details of the calculation (Mathematica Notebook) higgsGG-NLO.nb
  3. pp>H at NLO: cross section evaluation for the LHC (Mathematica Notebook+PDF libraries to be compiled) phenHiggs.tar.gz.

A summary of the results can be found in Higgs.pdf.

Selected exercises on QCD that can be solved with a Matrix Element generator.

Monte Carlo integration

A short introduction to the techniques of Monte Carlo integration. Exercises proposed during lecture are collected in this Mathematica Notebook: mc101.nb.

LHC Phenomenology

How to familiarize with MadGraph

All exercises proposed can be "solved" or checked with MadGraph / MadEvent. Here is how to familiarize with the code.

  • Logon to the MadGraph web site and register.
  • Familiarize with the code by generating a few processes in QED and QCD trying to guess which diagrams appear. What is the minimum number of jets have to be asked for in $e+e-$ collisions so that the triple gauge vertex appear?
  • Look at the new physics models and check the particle and interactions content.
  • Generate events for a few selected processes and look at the plots:
    • ttbar production with decays: pp>tt~>bb~mu+e-ve~vm
    • VV production: pp>VV> leptons, with V=Z,W.
    • Single top + Higgs: pp>tHj (QCD=0, QED=3, j=gudsc,p=gudscb). Show that there is a large negative interference between the diagrams

-- Main.FabioMaltoni - 2010-08-14

Last modified 12 years ago Last modified on Apr 12, 2012, 9:38:33 AM

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