In general, the probability that an event is accepted depends on the characteristics of the measured event, and not on the process that produced it. The measured probability density $\bar{P}(x,\alpha)$ can be related to the produced probability density $P(x,\alpha)$: $\bar{P}(x,\alpha)=Acc(x) P(x,\alpha)$ where $ Acc(x)$ is the detector acceptance, which depends only on $ x $
In the computation of the likelihood of the MatrixElement, this acceptance term induce the following term: $\int Acc(x) P(x,\alpha)dx$
This could be estimated easily, by MC, as the number of accepted events on the number of generated events. $\frac{N_{accepted}}{N_{generated}}$
How to compute Acceptance term with pythia/PGS.
WARNING: This module is in devellopment. This module is (not yet) on any official distribution.
- In order to have the computation of the acceptance term in MW you have to put in the MadWeight_card.dat the following option
Block MW_Run 4. T # normalizes weight (1/sigma prefactor) acceptance_run T # computes the acceptance term
-- Main.OlivierMattelaer - 22 May 2009
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