1 | BIASDIR = ../
2 | SOURCEDIR = ../..
3 | include $(SOURCEDIR)/make_opts
4 |
5 | include ./bias_dependencies
6 |
7 | all: PY8_CKKW
8 |
9 | clean:
11 |
12 | INCLUDES = $(BIASDIR)/bias.inc \
13 | $(SOURCEDIR)/maxparticles.inc \
14 | $(SOURCEDIR)/nexternal.inc \
15 | $(SOURCEDIR)/run_config.inc \
16 | $(SOURCEDIR)/lhe_event_infos.inc \
17 | $(SOURCEDIR)/run.inc \
18 | $(SOURCEDIR)/cuts.inc
19 |
20 | #
21 | # Compilation of the module ptj_bias
22 | #
24 | $(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -c -o PY8_CKKW.o PY8_CKKW.f
25 |
26 | #
27 | # Generate the copy of the relevant cards in the module C++ headers so that they are compiled
28 | # directly in the executable and do not have to be read at run time.
29 | #
30 | param_card.h: ../../../Cards/param_card.dat
31 | python -c "out=open('param_card.h','w'); out.write('const std::string ParamCard = \"%s\";'%'\\\n\"\n\"'.join([line for line in open('../../../Cards/param_card.dat').read().replace('\"',r'\"').split('\n')])); out.close();"
32 |
33 | run_card.h: ../../../Cards/run_card.dat
34 | python -c "out=open('run_card.h','w'); out.write('const std::string RunCard = \"%s\";'%'\\\n\"\n\"'.join([line for line in open('../../../Cards/run_card.dat').read().replace('\"',r'\"').split('\n')])); out.close();"
35 |
36 | proc_card.h: ../../../Cards/proc_card_mg5.dat
37 | python -c "out=open('proc_card.h','w'); out.write('const std::string ProcCard = \"%s\";'%'\\\n\"\n\"'.join([line for line in open('../../../Cards/proc_card_mg5.dat').read().replace('\"',r'\"').split('\n')])); out.close();"
38 |
39 | py8_mg5amc_bias_interface.o: py8_mg5amc_bias_interface.cc param_card.h run_card.h proc_card.h
40 | $(DEFAULT_CPP_COMPILER) $(CXXFLAGS) $(PY8CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(PY8LIBS) -c -o py8_mg5amc_bias_interface.o py8_mg5amc_bias_interface.cc
41 |
42 | PY8_CKKW: PY8_CKKW.o py8_mg5amc_bias_interface.o
44 |
45 | #
46 | # List of the requirements for this module.
47 | # 'VALID' is the keyword that *must* be returned if everything is in order.
48 | #
49 | requirements:
50 | ifeq ($(shell $(call CHECK_MG5AMC_VERSION,2.4.2)),True)
51 | ifeq ($(PYTHIA8_PATH),NotInstalled)
52 | @echo "Error: This module requires Pythia8. Consider installing it with the command 'install pythia8'."
53 | else
54 | @echo "VALID"
55 | endif
56 | else
57 | @echo "Error:: MG5aMC is not recent enough (found "$(MG5AMC_VERSION)")"
58 | @echo "FAIL"
59 | endif