1 | program rw
2 | implicit none
3 | integer i,j
4 | double precision p(0:4,10),wgt,aqcd,aqed,scale
5 | integer lin,lun,ievent,ic(7,4),nexternal
6 | character*140 buff2,buff,infile,outfile
7 | logical done
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 | lun=13
12 | lin=14
13 |
14 | write (*,*) 'enter input file name:'
15 | read(*,*) infile
16 |
17 | write (*,*) 'output file name is out.lhe.'
18 |
19 |
20 | open(unit=lun,file=infile)
21 | open(unit=lin,file='out.lhe',status='unknown')
22 |
23 | done=.false.
24 |
25 |
26 | do while (.not.done)
27 | call read_event(lun,P,wgt,nexternal,ic,ievent,scale,aqcd,aqed,buff2,done)
28 |
29 | if (done)return
30 |
31 | nexternal=3
32 | ic(6,3)=1
33 | do j=0,3
34 | p(j,3)=p(j,1)+p(j,2)
35 | enddo
36 | p(4,3)=dsqrt(p(0,3)**2-p(1,3)**2-p(2,3)**2-p(3,3)**2)
37 |
38 | call write_event(lin,P,wgt,nexternal,ic,ievent,scale,aqcd,aqed,buff)
39 | enddo
40 |
41 | write (lin,*)"</LesHouchesEvents>"
42 | write (*,*) ""
43 |
44 | close(lun)
45 | close(lin)
46 |
47 |
48 | return
49 | end
50 |
51 | subroutine read_event(lun,P,wgt,nexternal,ic,ievent,scale,aqcd,aqed,buff2,done)
52 | c********************************************************************
53 | c Reads one event from data file #lun
54 | c ic(*,1) = Particle ID
55 | c ic(*,2) = Mothup(1)
56 | c ic(*,3) = Mothup(2)
57 | c ic(*,4) = ICOLUP(1)
58 | c ic(*,5) = ICOLUP(2)
59 | c ic(*,6) = ISTUP -1=initial state +1=final +2=decayed
60 | c ic(*,7) = Helicity
61 | c********************************************************************
62 | implicit none
63 |
64 | double precision pi
65 | parameter (pi = 3.1415926d0)
66 | c
67 | c Arguments
68 | c
69 | integer lun
70 | integer nexternal, ic(7,10)
71 | logical done
72 | double precision P(0:4,10),wgt,aqcd,aqed,scale
73 | integer ievent
74 | character*140 buff2
75 | c
76 | c Local
77 | c
78 | integer i,j,k
79 | character*(256) buff
80 | double precision xdum1,xdum2
81 | c
82 | c Global
83 | c
84 | logical banner_open
85 | integer lun_ban
86 | common/to_banner/banner_open, lun_ban
87 |
88 | data lun_ban/37/
89 | data banner_open/.false./
90 | c-----
91 | c Begin Code
92 | c-----
93 | done=.false.
94 | if (.not. banner_open) then
95 | open (unit=lun_ban, status='scratch')
96 | banner_open=.true.
97 | endif
98 | 11 read(lun,'(a256)',end=99,err=99) buff
99 | do while(index(buff,"<event") .eq. 0)
100 | write(14,'(a)') buff(1:80)
101 | read(lun,'(a256)',end=99,err=99) buff
102 | enddo
103 | read(lun,*,err=11, end=11) nexternal,k,wgt,scale,aqed,aqcd
104 | do i=1,nexternal-2 !****Put here -2 because we don't care about the photons.***
105 | read(lun,*,err=99,end=99) ic(1,i),ic(6,i),(ic(j,i),j=2,5),
106 | $ (p(j,i),j=1,3),p(0,i),p(4,i),xdum1,xdum2
107 | ic(7,i)=int(xdum2)
108 | enddo
109 | do while(index(buff,"</event") .eq. 0)
110 | read(lun,'(a256)',end=99,err=99) buff
111 | if(buff(1:1).eq.'#') buff2=buff(1:140)
112 | enddo
113 | return
114 | 99 done=.true.
115 | return
116 | 55 format(i3,5e19.11)
117 | end
118 |
119 | subroutine write_event(lun,P,wgt,nexternal,ic,ievent,scale,aqcd,aqed,buff)
120 | c********************************************************************
121 | c Writes one event from data file #lun according to LesHouches
122 | c ic(1,*) = Particle ID
123 | c ic(2.*) = Mothup(1)
124 | c ic(3,*) = Mothup(2)
125 | c ic(4,*) = ICOLUP(1)
126 | c ic(5,*) = ICOLUP(2)
127 | c ic(6,*) = ISTUP -1=initial state +1=final +2=decayed
128 | c ic(7,*) = Helicity
129 | c********************************************************************
130 | implicit none
131 | c
132 | c parameters
133 | c
134 | double precision pi
135 | parameter (pi = 3.1415926d0)
136 | c
137 | c Arguments
138 | c
139 | integer lun, ievent
140 | integer nexternal, ic(7,*)
141 | double precision P(0:4,*),wgt
142 | double precision aqcd, aqed, scale
143 | character*140 buff
144 | c
145 | c Local
146 | c
147 | integer i,j,k
148 | c
149 | c Global
150 | c
151 |
152 | c-----
153 | c Begin Code
154 | c-----
155 | write(lun,'(a)') '<event>'
156 | write(lun,'(i2,i4,4e15.7)') nexternal,100,wgt,scale,aqed,aqcd
157 | do i=1,nexternal
158 | write(lun,51) ic(1,i),ic(6,i),(ic(j,i),j=2,5),
159 | $ (p(j,i),j=1,3),p(0,i),p(4,i),0.,real(ic(7,i))
160 | enddo
161 | if(buff(1:1).eq.'#') write(lun,'(a)') buff(1:len_trim(buff))
162 | write(lun,'(a)') '</event>'
163 | return
164 | 51 format(i9,5i5,5e19.11,f3.0,f4.0)
165 | end
166 |