Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of ZeeBabu

Jun 30, 2022, 4:25:55 PM (2 years ago)
Richard Ruiz

updated model inputs


  • ZeeBabu

    v8 v9  
    4949Here, the weak hypercharge operator is normalized such that the electromagnetic charge operator is
    5050{{{Q=T+Y}}} and {{{Y_k = -2 (Y_h = -1)}}}.
    51 '''Note''' that {{{k^dagger = k++}}} and {{{h^dagger = h+}}}.
    101101To phenomenologically parameterize the Lagrangian, neutrinos are assumed to be massless in the UFO. This allows all {{{f}}} and {{{g}}} to be taken independently from one another.
    103 '''Note''' that this model permits lepton flavor violation and lepton number violation.
     103* '''Note''' that {{{k^dagger = k++}}} and {{{h^dagger = h+}}}.
     105* '''Note''' that this model permits lepton flavor violation and lepton number violation.
    154156~/Path $ tar -zxvf SM_ZeeBabu_MassiveLeptons_XLO.tgz
    156 == Notes ==
    157  * For instructions on using the HeavyN UFO, see C. Degrande, et al, arXiv:1602.06957 and S. Pascoli, et al, arXiv:1812.08750
     158== Model parameters / inputs ==
     159 * For instructions on using the {{{SM_ZeeBabu}}} UFOs, see R. Ruiz, arXiv:2207.qwerty
    159  * The flagship {{{HeavyN}}} UFO model contains 15 free parameters:
    160   * Three masses: mN1, mN2, mN3. Defaults are 300 GeV, 500 GeV, and 1 TeV, respectively.
    161   * Three widths: WN1, WN2, WN3. Defaults are 0.303 GeV, 1.50 GeV, and 12.3 GeV, respectively.
    162   * Nine real (no CP violation) mixing parameters: V''lk'' for ''l'' = ''e, mu, tau'' and ''k'' = 1,2,3. Default values are V''lk'' = Identity(3x3), i.e., {{{Ve1 = Vmu2 = Vta3 = 1}}} and all others zero.
    163   * '''Note''': VlN are restricted to be real in the model file.
    164   * '''Note''': Default parameters are set so "out-of-the-box" checks can be made with [ [#Alva 1] ] and [ [#Degrande 2] ].
    166 * For the Majorana file, particle identification (PID) codes for N1,...,N3, follow standard HEP MCPID codes: 9900012, 9900014, 9900016
    168 * For the Dirac file, to avoid conflict with Pythia8, where the above PIDs are reserved for Majorana fields, the nonstandard HEP MCPID codes for N1,...,N3 are:9990012, 9990014, 9990016
    170 * For the vSMEFT file, 10 additional model parameters are introduced:
    171   * One EFT cutoff scale {{{Lambda}}} in units of GeV.
    172   * Nine Wilson coefficients coupling {{{N_k}}} to {{{l}}}: {{{CeN1, CeN2, CeN3, CmuN1, CmuN2, CmuN3, CtaN1, CtaN2, CtaN3}}}
    173   * '''Note''': Default parameters are set such that {{{Lambda=1000}}} (GeV), {{{CeN1=CmuN2=CtaN3=1}}}, and all other coefficients are zero
     161 * In addition to SM parameters, the flagship {{{SM_ZeeBabu_NLO}}} UFO model contains two particles and 19 free parameters:
     162  * {{{k--}}} (PID=61) and {{{h-}}} (PID=38) with antiparticles {{{k++}}} (PID=-61) and {{{h+}}} (PID=-38)
     163  * Two masses: {{{mhZB}}}, {{{mkZB}}}. Default values are 300 GeV and 500 GeV, respectively.
     164  * Two widths: {{{whZB}}}, {{{wkZB}}}. Default values are 1 GeV.
     165  * One dimensionful parameter: {{{muZB}}}. Default value is 1 TeV.
     166  * Five real scalar couplings: {{{lamhZB, lamkZB, lamhZBkZB, lamhZBH, lamkZBH}}}. Default values are 1.
     167  * Six real Yukawa couplings for l-v-h: {{{gee,  gemu,  getau, gmumu, gmutau, gtautau}}}. Default values are 1.
     168  * Three real Yukawa couplings for l-l-k: {{{femu, fetau, fmutau}}}. Default values are 1.
    176170== Validation ==