Changes between Version 29 and Version 30 of WorkingGroup3

Mar 18, 2010, 4:10:35 PM (14 years ago)
Benjamin Fuks



  • WorkingGroup3

    v29 v30  
    66  * '''Topic 2''' : Application of the Les Houches validation scheme. We would like to perform a 4 star comparison between FR and LH for the following models:
    8       * I. '''MSSM full validation'''.   
     7    * I. '''MSSM full validation'''.   
    98        * ''Description'': validation of cMSSM with LH+CH, FR+WO and the WO,SH  stock versions.   
    109        * ''Names'': __Benj__, Sasha, Steffen, Christian.
    1110        * ''Status'': Several processes have discrepancies. Sasha is looking into the CH files. Here is an [/attachment/wiki/WorkingGroup3/ww600new.jpg example]
    1211        * ''To-do'': get final agreeement.
    14       * II. '''Randall-Sundrum'''.   
     12    * II. '''Randall-Sundrum'''.   
    1513        * ''Description'': validation of RS between MG-stock, FR+CH, FR+WO.   
    1614        * ''Names'': __Neil__, Sasha, Priscila, Christian.
    1715        * ''Status'': All model files available. Next step is comparison with MG-stock implementation of RS by Priscila and Qiang in v4. Finally, validation with FR+MG5 will be done.
    1816        * ''To-do'': get final agreeement.
    21       * III. '''Walking Technicolor'''.   
     17    * III. '''Walking Technicolor'''.   
    2218        * ''Description'': validation of WT FR vs LH versions with CalcHEP and MG and more...   
    2319        * ''Names'': __Sasha__,  Fabio, Claude.
    2420        * ''Status'': To be started. FR version to be validated with the LH version in CH. Paper SB, and Francesco Sannino (arXiv:0809.0793 [hep-ph]).
    2521        * ''To-do'': get final agreeement.
    27       * IV. '''Little Higgs with T-parity'''.   
     22    * IV. '''Little Higgs with T-parity'''.   
    2823        * ''Description'': validation of LHwT FR vs LH versions with CalcHEP and MG and more..   
    2924        * ''Names'': __Fabio__, Sasha, Celine, Claude, Christian.
    3025        * ''Status'': To be started. The LanHEP sources are available by Sasha. Here is the CalcHEP implementation: [] An implementation is also available in WHIZARD.
    3126        * ''To-do'': get final agreeement.
    33       * V. '''Lepto-Quarks'''.   
     27    * V. '''Lepto-Quarks'''.   
    3428        * ''Description'': validation of LHwT FR vs LH versions with CalcHEP and MG and more..   
    3529        * ''Names'': __Fabio__, Sasha, Claude, Christian.
    36         * ''Status'': To be started. Lepto-Quarks : FR version to be validated with the LH version in CH. hep-ph/0502067.To validate this model we need a FR implementation of the Lagrangian in the paper above and its export into, let's say, MG5.  '''Complete''' version of the CH implementation(including SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1)) is ready and will be available. [/attachment/wiki/WorkingGroup3/LeptoQuarks.tgz].
     30        * ''Status'': To be started. Lepto-Quarks : FR version to be validated with the LH version in CH. hep-ph/0502067.To validate this model we need a FR implementation of the Lagrangian in the paper above and its export into, let's say, MG5.  '''Complete''' version of the CH implementation(including SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1)) is ready and will be available. [/attachment/wiki/WorkingGroup3/LeptoQuarks.tgz model files].
    3731        * ''To-do'': get final agreeement.
     32    * VI. '''Background field method'''.   
     33        * ''Description'': Implementation of the background field method model and comparison with the usual approach in the SM.   
     34        * ''Names'': __Fabio__, Benj, Celine.
     35        * ''Status'': Fermion, gauge and Higgs sector implemented.
     36        * ''To-do'': Ghosts to be fixed, validation to be done (vs. !FeynArts).