Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of WorkingGroup3

Mar 18, 2010, 12:51:00 AM (14 years ago)
Christian Speckner



  • WorkingGroup3

    v11 v12  
    3131ExF = Excited fermions
     33SMAG = Standard Model with anomalous gauge boson couplings
    3435=== SUSY ===
    5253E6MSSM = E6 MSSM (overlap with LQMSSM -> S. King)
     55GRMSSM = MSSM with gravitinos
    5457=== Extra dimensions ===
    108111||         ||    ||    ||     ||    ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
    109112|| B-L     || x  || x  ||     ||    ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
    110 || Zp      ||    ||    ||  p  ||    ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
     113|| Zp      ||    ||    ||  p  || x  ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
    111114|| 2HDM14  || x  ||    ||  p  ||    ||    ||    || x   ||    ||
    112115|| Gen4    ||    ||    ||  p  ||    ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
    113116|| ExF     || c  ||    ||  p  ||    ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
     117|| SMAG    ||    ||    ||     || x  ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
    114118||         ||    ||    ||     ||    ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
    115119|| cMSSM   || xd || xd ||     || xd || x  || xd || x   || x  ||
    122126|| LQMSSM  ||    ||    ||     || x  ||    ||    ||     || c  ||   
    123127|| E6MSSM  ||    || p  ||     ||    ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
     128|| GRMSSM  ||    ||    ||     || x  ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
    124129||         ||    ||    ||     ||    ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
    125 || 5DUED1  || x  ||    || x   ||    ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
     130|| 5DUED1  || x  ||    || x   || x  ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
    126131|| 5DUED2  ||    ||    || x   ||    ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
    127132|| 6DUED   || c  ||    || x   ||    ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
    128 || ADD     || x  || 50%||     ||    ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
     133|| ADD     || x  || 50%||     || x  ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
    129134|| RS      || 90%||    ||     ||    ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
    130135||         ||    ||    ||     ||    ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
    133138||         ||    ||    ||     ||    ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
    134139|| MWTC    ||    || p  ||     ||    ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
    135 || 3SM     || x  || x  ||     ||    ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
     140|| 3SM     || x  || x  ||     || x  ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
    136141|| 4SM     ||    || 30%||     ||    ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
    137142|| 4SMwDM  || 40%||    ||     ||    ||    ||    ||     ||    ||
    154159    * First thing is to get agreement between the LH SUSY implementation in CH and all the others as in the big FR paper.
    156     * Randall Sundrum (started at the workshop) : FR and LH implementations will be validated in CalcHEP (3 star) : Priscila, Neil, Sasha. All model files available. Next step is comparison with MG-stock implementation of RS by Priscila and Qiang in v4. Finally, validation with FR+MG5 will be done so to get to 4 stars.
     161    * Randall Sundrum (started at the workshop) : FR and LH implementations will be validated in CalcHEP (3 star) and in WHIZARD (4 star): Priscila, Neil, Sasha, Christian. All model files available. Next step is comparison with MG-stock implementation of RS by Priscila and Qiang in v4. Finally, validation with FR+MG5 will be done.
    158163    * Walking Technicolor : FR version to be validated with the LH version in CH. Paper SB, and Francesco Sannino (arXiv:0809.0793 [hep-ph]).
    160     * Little Higgs with T-parity. The LanHEP sources are available by Sasha. Here is the CalcHEP implementation: []
     165    * Little Higgs with T-parity. The LanHEP sources are available by Sasha. Here is the CalcHEP implementation: [] An implementation is also available in WHIZARD.
    162167    * Lepto-Quarks : FR version to be validated with the LH version in CH. hep-ph/0502067.To validate this model we need a FR implementation of the Lagrangian in the paper above and its export into, let's say, MG5.  '''Complete''' version of the CH implementation(including SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1)) is ready and will be available. [attachment:LeptoQuarks.tgz]