Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of WhizardInterface

Jul 4, 2010, 6:36:33 PM (14 years ago)
Christian Speckner



  • WhizardInterface

    v17 v18  
    2222  * {{{WOFeynman}}}: Feynman gauge
    2323  * {{{WORxi}}}: Rxi gauges. In this case, you __must__ define a parameter taking the role of \xi and pass it to the interface via {{{WOGaugeParameter}}} (see below).
    24  * {{{WOGaugeParameter}}}: The parameter which takes the role of \xi in the Rxi gauges, can be either a string or a symbol. Note that this parameter is automatically added to the parameter list. Default: "Rxi"
     24 * {{{WOGaugeParameter}}}: The parameter which takes the role of \xi in the Rxi gauges, can be either a string or a symbol. Note that this parameter is automatically added to the parameter list if WOAutoGauge is set to {{{True}}}. Default: "Rxi"
    2525 * {{{WOWhizardVersion}}}: Select the WO version for which you want to generate code. Possible choices:
    2626  * {{{"1.92"}}}: WO 1.92
    2828  * {{{"2.0" }}}: WO 2.0 (default)
    2929 * {{{WOVerbose}}}: Verbose output. At the moment, this gives detailed information on skipped vertices. Default: False
    30  * {{{WOAutoGauge}}}: Automagically assign goldstone boson masses.. Default: True
     30 * {{{WOAutoGauge}}}: Automagically assign goldstone boson masses and add the gauge parameter to the parameter list (in the case of Rxi gauge). Default: True
    3131 * {{{WOMaxCouplingsPerFile}}}: The maximum number of couplings written into a single FORTRAN file. Reduce this number if you run into trouble compiling the generated code. Default: 500
    3232 * {{{WORunParameters}}}: A list of all parameters which are recalculated when \alpha_s changes. Without effect for WO1.9x output. Default: {G, aS}