Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of WhizardInterface

Mar 19, 2010, 9:54:00 AM (15 years ago)
Christian Speckner



  • WhizardInterface

    v10 v11  
    11112. {{{WriteWOOutput[{LagrangianList}, Options]}}}
    13 3. {{{WriteWOOutput[Null, WOVertexList->{VertexList], Options]}}}
     133. {{{WriteWOOutput[Null, WOVertexList->{VertexList}, Options]}}}
    1515Version 1. operates on a single Lagrangian, while 2. operates on a list of Lagrangians and 3. takes a list of FeynmanRules as an argument. The following options are available:
    1717 * {{{WOVertexList}}}: If {{{=!= Null}}}, this is interpreted as a list of Feynman rules and overrides any Lagrangian (or -list) specified (in this case, {{{Null}}} is accepted as first argument). Default: Null
    1918 * {{{WOModelName}}}: The name by which the model will be identified in WO. Note that all models for W1.9x have to start with "fr" (e.g. {{{WOModelName->"fr_sm"}}}) if they are to be picked up by WO1.9x without user intervention (no such restriction exists for W2). Beware that the interface my modify this name if it doesn't fit into the WO naming schemes --- double check the generated messages to be sure. Default: derived from the FR model name
    2119 * {{{WOMaxNcf}}}: Upper limit on the number of generated color flows which the generated code will be able to handle (essentially n_8 - n_3 / 2, where n_8 is the maximum number of external octets and n_3 that of external triplets). Irrelevant for W2; also, the technically experienced user can change this after generation in {{{}}}. Default: 4
    2320 * {{{WOGauge}}}: The following gauges are available:
    2421  * {{{WOUnitarity}}}: Unitarity gauge (default)
    2522  * {{{WOFeynman}}}: Feynman gauge
    2623  * {{{WORxi}}}: Rxi gauges. In this case, you __must__ define a parameter taking the role of \xi and pass it to the interface via {{{WOGaugeParameter}}} (see below).
     24 * {{{WOGaugeParameters}}}: The parameter which takes the role of \xi in the Rxi gauges, can be either a string or a symbol. Default: "Rxi"
     25 * {{{WOWhizardVersion}}}: Select the WO version for which you want to generate code. Possible choices:
     26  * {{{"1.92"}}}: WO 1.92
     27  * {{{"1.93"}}}: WO 1.93 - 1.95
     28  * {{{"2.0" }}}: WO 2.0 (default)
     29 * {{{WOVerbose}}}: Verbose output. At the moment, this gives detailed information on skipped vertices. Default: False
     30 * {{{WOAutoGauge}}}: Automagically assign goldstone boson masses.. Default: True
     31 * {{{WOMaxCouplingsPerFile}}}: The maximum number of couplings written into a single FORTRAN file. Reduce this number if you run into trouble compiling the generated code. Default: 500
     32 * {{{WORunParameters}}}: A list of all parameters which are recalculated when \alpha_s changes. Without effect for WO1.9x output. Default: {G, aS}
     33 * {{{WOFast}}}: Set this to False to enable more time consuming checks for known lorentz structures if you have trouble with skipped couplings. Default: True
     34 * {{{Output}}}: The output directory which will contain the generated model files. Default: derived from the FR model name