Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of WebValidation

Nov 16, 2010, 11:05:48 PM (14 years ago)
Neil Christensen



  • WebValidation

    v22 v23  
    66  * ''Done'':
    77    * Full FR model can be uploaded.
     8    * Restriction files and (LHA) parameter files can be uploaded.
     9    * User inputs the name of the Lagrangian used for their model.  Lagrangian terms can be put in curly brackets if desired (as in {LGauge,LFermion,...}).
     10    * User inputs one 2->2 process which will be used to test that the resulting code can be compiled.
    811    * User can choose current or development FR.  Currently, only development works.  "Current" ready for next release.
     12    * User chooses whether 4-scalar vertices should be calculated for their model.
    913    * Site creates dir for model, stores model files there in tar.gz format. 
    1014    * Site creates entries in database for model.
    1216      * Load model files
    1317      * Load restriction files.
    14       * Run CH, FA, MG, SH, WO interfaces.
    15       * Run CH & MG on resulting code.
    16       * Each of these condor jobs relies on previous ones.  If a necessary previous step fails, then the next job is not run.  This is controlled by a "DAG" script.
    17    * User can choose "stock" models.  There are 2 choices:
     18      * Load parameter files.
     19    * When these tests are done, the user can choose next step among: Choose restriction-parameter combinations, upload stock models, and create validations.
     20    * Restriction file - parameter file combinations:
     21      * Since the model could have many restriction files and many parameter files, it does not seem reasonable to automatically check every combination. 
     22      * Some combinations may not be intended. 
     23      * The user now chooses which combinations they would like to validate.   
     24      * User can choose none for each which means to use the default values in the model files.
     25      * When a restriction-parameter combination is chosen, the following happen:
     26        * The FeynRules interfaces run on it.
     27        * If the FeynRules interfaces succeed, then the MEG runs on the resulting code.
     28   * Stock Models:
     29      * User can choose "stock" models.
    1830      * Precompiled models that ship with the MEG can be chosen from drop down menu.
    19       * User can upload their own "stock" model, but this is harder.
     31      * User can upload their own "stock" model, but this is harder and only seems to work with CalcHEP.
    2032      * User must also upload "particle translation" file.
    2133      * User can upload 1 or more parameter files.
    22       * Site tests that particle translation file and parameter files work.
     34      * Site tests that particle translation file and parameter files work and that the test process compiles.
    2335      * If tests passed, then this model can be used in validations.
    24     * If 1 or more MEG passes, the user is allowed to run 2->2 cs processes. 
    25       * They can choose the MEG they want to test (among the ones that pass the previous tests).
    26       * User can choose "restrictions" on 2->2 processes.
     36    * Validations:
     37      * Once a restriction-parameter combination is chosen, a validation using it can be created.
     38      * The first step is to generate the processes using a set of restrictions on the particle content in the processes.
    2739        * If no restrictions are chosen, then _all_ 2->2 processes are generated. 
    2840        * User can restrict to certain kinds of fields (fermions, vectors,...)
    2941        * User can restrict on indices and charges.
    30     * After processes are generated, user can run them. 
    31       * User can choose from restrictions and parameters.
    32       * User can choose which MEGs to run.
     42        * All 2->2 processes that meet the restrictions are generated.
     43      * They can choose the MEG they want to test (among the ones that pass the previous tests).
    3344      * User can choose which "stock" models to run (and which parameter files for them.)
    3445      * The processes are run on Condor.
    35         * Currently 4 parallel nodes.  Seems pretty fast.
    36         * Adds 10 jobs to the queue at a time.  Each job has ~5 processes.  This allows multiple users and validations to be run at the same time and make progress at the same time.
     46        * Currently 6 parallel nodes.  Seems pretty fast.
     47        * Each job runs 10 processes.
     48        * Adds 30 jobs to the queue at a time.  This allows multiple users and validations to be run at the same time and make progress at the same time.
    3749        * User can refresh their browser to see the progress.  Each process and MEG that is finished will show up as they are finished.
    3850      * User can rerun processes choosing new MEG's and new stock models if they like.
     51      * User can add new MEG's and remove some and just finish the parts that are not done yet.
     52      * Validation tables are split into groups to improve browser response.
     53      * Differences are histogrammed and the histogram is automatically updated and shown.
    3954    * User can create multiple validations.
    4055    * Multiple validations can be run concurrently.  Condor handles this.
    4257    * Users can delete models.  (But only when no condor jobs are running for this model.)
    4358    * Users can delete validations.  (But only when this validation is not being run.)
    44     * Users can delete stock models.
     59    * Users can delete stock models.  (But only when not in use.)
    4560    * Security:
    4661        * All user code is run on condor jobs and no where else.
    4863        * Home dir has been unmounted from condor jobs.  So, user code does not have access to any dir other than in their virtual env.
    4964        * Users do not control condor.  They can only use web form to start jobs and see the outcome.
    50   * ''To-do'' (for this summer):
    51     * Get FR-SH working.  This shouldn't be difficult.  The scaffolding is there.
    52     * Test whether a Mathematica license is available.  If not, wait and try again.
     65    * Some other properties:
     66      * Test whether a Mathematica license is available.  If not, wait and try again.
     67      * Users can stop condor jobs.
     68  * ''To-do'' (soon):
     69    * Get FR-SH working.  This shouldn't be difficult.  The scaffolding is there.  Benj said he might be willing to do this?
     70    * Get FR-MG5 working.  Olivier?
    5371  * ''To-do'' (not gauranteed for this summer but hopefully by summer of 2011):
    5472    * Versions of all software used (partly done).
    55     * Add links moving around model database.
     73    * Add links moving around model database.  Partially done.
    5674    * Add history (if model changes, then keep the old model with versioning.  Do the same for validations, etc..)
    5775    * Finish other pages of model database web site.  Login, etc...
    5876    * Allow the user to modify part of their model (currently have to delete model and start over).
    5977      * Intelligently only run pieces that are modified.
    60     * Allow user to stop running Condor jobs.
    6178    * Support phase space tests.
    6279    * Support 1->2 decay tests.
    6380    * Support 1->3 decay tests.
    6481    * Support 2->3 processes?
     82    * Support scans over energy for individual procs.
    6583    * Support other model info of interest.  Authors, urls, ...
    6684    * Connect username and password with wiki username and password?
    7189      * Maybe UW?
    7290      * Maybe Strasbourg?
     91      * This seems harder than I hoped.
    7392   * Security:
    7493      * Generate strong random password for user.
    88107    * Create script which installs software (CalcHEP, etc.) to the nodes.  Automize.
    89108    * Split long tables up into smaller tables (say every 50 lines) to improve the speed of rendering.
     109    * Give the user more information. 
     110      * Create links to the model files.
     111      * Automatically generate the LaTeX output and link it.
     112    * Validations:
     113      * Store MC errors and use in chi^2 analysis.
     114      * Allow user to see MC error when they hover over cs.
     115      * Histogram chi^2.
     116      * Allow user to see FR and MC output.
     117      * Only show ~100 procs at a time with arrows that allow user to see other procs.
     118      * Allow user to order by another column?
     119    * Create collaborator entries that allow others to see model.
     120    * Create "public" that determines whether a model is public.
     121    * Fix public view.
     122    * etc, etc, etc....