Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of WebValidation

Jun 7, 2010, 7:12:41 PM (14 years ago)
Neil Christensen



  • WebValidation

    v11 v12  
    3131    * Users can delete models.  (But only when no condor jobs are running for this model.)
    3232    * Users can delete validations.  (But only when this validation is not being run.)
     33    * Security:
     34        * All user code is run on condor jobs and no where else.
     35        * All mysql operations are run on head node as POST scripts and are not mingled with user code.  This allows all network connections to be closed on condor jobs (except those initiated by condor).
     36        * Home dir has been unmounted from condor jobs.  So, user code does not have access to any dir other than in their virtual env.
     37        * Users do not control condor.  They can only use web form to start jobs and see the outcome.
    3338  * ''To-do'' (for this summer):
    3439    * Get FR-SH and FR-WO working.  (Christian Speckner is helping with WO).  This shouldn't be difficult.  The scaffolding is there.
    3742    * Allow upload and comparison with "stock" versions of models.
    3843    * Improve security:
    39       * Move all MEG to condor nodes and unlink home dir.
    4044      * Test that nothing can be written outside of condor job dir.
    4145      * Test that condor job cannot do any network connections _except_ certain database updates.
    42       * Control time, memory and disk space available to condor jobs.
     46      * Control time, memory and disk space available to condor jobs (admin side).
    4347    * Allow user to choose between testing development and stable FR release.
    4448    * Versions of all software used (partly done).