Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of WZPrimeAtNLO

Jan 19, 2017, 5:10:21 PM (8 years ago)
Benjamin Fuks



  • WZPrimeAtNLO

    v5 v6  
    33=== Contact Authors ===
    44Benjamin Fuks
    5 * UPMC Univ. Paris, LPTHE
     5* LPTHE - CNRS - UPMC (Paris VI)
    66* fuks AT
    1414== Model Description ==
    15 This effective model extends the Standard Model (SM) field content by introducing the massive vector fields W'^+/-^ and Z' bosons, which are electrically charged and neutral, respectively. To remain model independence, couplings to SM gauge bosons and scalars are omitted.
     15This effective model extends the Standard Model (SM) field content by introducing the massive vector fields W'^+/-^ and Z' bosons, which are electrically charged and neutral, respectively. To remain model independent, couplings to SM gauge bosons and scalars are omitted.
    1717Following Refs. [ [#Gopalakrishna 1], [#Han 2] ], the Lagrangian parameterizing the new vector bosons' couplings to up-type and down-type quark fields u,,i,, and d,,j,, is given by
    8282== NLO in QCD Corrections ==
    83 The above Lagrangian in the Feynman Gauge was implemented into FeynRules  2.3.10. QCD renormalization and R2 rational counter terms were determined using NLOCT 1.02 and FeynArts 3.8. Feynman rules were collected into a single UFO, available below.
    84 In the UFO file, five massless quarks are assumed as are zero off-diagonal CKM matrix entries.
     83The above Lagrangian in the Feynman Gauge was implemented into FeynRules  2.3.10. QCD renormalization and R2 rational counter terms were determined using NLOCT 1.02 and !FeynArts 3.8. Feynman rules were collected into a single UFO, available below.
     84In the UFO file, five massless quarks are assumed as well as vanishing off-diagonal CKM matrix entries.
    8585For additional details, see [ [#Fuks 4] ] and references therein.
    86 These additions permit tree-level calculations at LO and NLO in QCD, loop-induced calculations at LO in QCD, and NLO matched to NNLL(Veto) resummation using MadGraph_aMC@NLO.
     86These additions permit tree-level calculations at LO and NLO in QCD, loop-induced calculations at LO in QCD, and NLO calculations matched to NNLL(Veto) resummation using MadGraph_aMC@NLO.