Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of VLQ_tsingletvl

Jul 1, 2013, 7:53:32 PM (11 years ago)
Mathieu Buchkremer



  • VLQ_tsingletvl

    v9 v10  
    2424The associated electromagnetic and strong interactions are also included, together with the T singlet kinetic and mass terms. The user-defined parameters, summarised in [attachment:Parameters.pdf], consist of:
    25     * g* is the coupling strength entering single production (set to 0.1 by default in the KAPPA block).
    26     * M is the T quark mass (set to 1 TeV by default in the MASS block).
    27     * RL is the rate of decays into light quarks (set to 0.5 by default in the ZETA block).
    28     * Gvl is the coupling between the T quark and the gauge bosons (set to 1 by default in the GVL block).
     25    * g*, the coupling strength entering single production (set to 0.1 by default in the KAPPA block).
     26    * M, the T quark mass (set to 1 TeV by default in the MASS block).
     27    * RL, the rate of decays into light quarks (set to 0.5 by default in the ZETA block).
     28    * Gvl, the coupling between the T quark and the gauge bosons (set to 1 by default in the GVL block).
    3030'''Note''': the top partner width is set to 1 GeV by default, but the actual values must be evaluated and adjusted explicitly in MadGraph (specifying all the corresponding decay channels), for a fixed choice of the above parameters.