Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of VLQ_tbdoubletvl

Jul 1, 2013, 8:02:38 PM (11 years ago)
Mathieu Buchkremer



  • VLQ_tbdoubletvl

    v2 v3  
    2828    * Gvl, the coupling of the T and B quarks to the gauge bosons (set to 1 by default in the GVL block).
    30 '''Note''': the top partners widths are set to 1 GeV by default, but the actual values must be evaluated and adjusted explicitly in MadGraph (specifying all the corresponding decay channels), for a fixed choice of the above parameters.
     30'''Note''': the top partners widths are set to 1 GeV by default, but their actual values must be evaluated and adjusted explicitly in MadGraph (specifying all the corresponding decay channels), for a fixed choice of the above parameters.
    3232These parameters are combined internally in FeynRules to match the model-independent prescription presented above. For consistency, all light quarks included in the proton definition are restricted to be massless (5F scheme), except for the top, bottom and tau lepton masses. The default model loads the real 3X3 CKM matrix given in [attachment:Parameters.pdf] as an external parameter. In general, the presence of new top partners induce model-dependent corrections to the mixings between the novel heavy fermions and the lighter quark families, which are not taken into account here.
    3535Below we provide the tarballs containing the main model files and outputs. The UFO model files have been compiled with Feynrules 1.4.9, and are compatible with MadGraph 1.5.11. The CH model files require the latest updated version of CalcHep, and have been obtained using version 1.7.178 of FeynRules. To import the model into MadGraph, it is enough to unzip the UFO directory into the models subdirectory of MadGraph, and load the model using the "import model TsingletVL_UFO" command.
    37     * [] : FeynRules model files.
    38     * [] : Model files for MadGraph.
    39     * [] : Model files for CALCHEP.
     37    * [] : FeynRules model files.
     38    * [] : Model files for MadGraph.
     39    * [] : Model files for CALCHEP.
    4040    * [attachment:Parameters.pdf] : Input parameters description.