Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of VLQ

May 3, 2013, 10:05:53 AM (11 years ago)
Mathieu Buchkremer



  • VLQ

    v5 v6  
    4747=== Validation ===
    49 Performing the usual FeynRules sanity checks (Version: 1.6.11), the various components of the above effective Lagrangian have been checked to be hermitian, correctly normalized and diagonal. The vertices and analytical expressions for the partial decay rates of all top partners have been cross-checked using the \texttt{FR\$PartialWidth} option in the current development version of FeynRules (Version: 1.7.159). The partial decay rates and branching ratios have been computed numerically for various benchmark points with MadGraph (Version: 1.5.7), and are in excellent agreement with the results of [3] for a T singlet and [4] for a (X,T) doublet. The three-body decay widths and branching ratios have been evaluated with BRIDGE (Version: 2.24) [5].
     49Performing the usual FeynRules sanity checks (Version: 1.6.11), the various components of the above effective Lagrangian have been checked to be hermitian, correctly normalized and diagonal. The vertices and analytical expressions for the partial decay rates of all top partners have been cross-checked using the FR$PartialWidth option in the current development version of FeynRules (Version: 1.7.159). The partial decay rates and branching ratios have been computed numerically for various benchmark points with MadGraph (Version: 1.5.7), and are in excellent agreement with the results of [3] for a T singlet and [4] for a (X,T) doublet. The three-body decay widths and branching ratios have been evaluated with BRIDGE (Version: 2.24) [5].
    5151In order to provide an exhaustive test of all the top partners couplings, the cross-sections for a selection of processes of direct phenomenological interest for the model applications have been tested systematically. The detailed simulation of the signals has been performed using Madgraph5 (Version: 1.5.7) for event generation at the partonic level, interfaced with PYTHIA (Version: 2.1.20) for parton showering. The QCD pair-production cross-sections have been computed in the VLQ model and match the leading order predictions at the % level for top pair production when setting M = mt at 7, 8 and 14 TeV LHC running energies.
    5858Below we provide the tarballs containing the main model files and outputs. The model implementation is also known to work with the CalcHEP/CompHEP interfaces, which can be generated from the [attachment:VLQ.nb] Mathematica notebook. Although FeynRules now supports exclusively the version 5 of MadGraph (UFO format, in the unitary gauge), the MadGraph4 model files can be provided on demand.
    60 To import the model into MadGraph, it is enough to copy the UFO directory into the models subdirectory of MadGraph, and load the model using the "import model VLQ\_UFO" command.
     60To import the model into MadGraph, it is enough to copy the UFO directory into the models subdirectory of MadGraph, and load the model using the "import model VLQ_UFO" command.
    6262 * [] : FeynRules main file.