Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of VLQ

Jun 24, 2013, 8:35:20 PM (11 years ago)
Mathieu Buchkremer



  • VLQ

    v15 v16  
    2525=== Model Implementation ===
    27 As a generic framework, the four Vector-Like states X (Q=5/3), T (2/3), B (-1/3) and Y (-4/3) are introduced as new spin 1/2 class members. Each class defines a specific top partner with a fixed electric charge, without any assumption on the other quantum numbers. The model file [], loaded in Mathematica with [attachment:VLQ.nb], is designed to allow for a straightforward extension to additional vector-like fermions, simply by adding the new particles to the corresponding class (F[5], F[6], F[7] and F[8] for X-, T-, B- and Y-type quarks, respectively). Particles embedded in larger SU(2) representations may also be introduced under new classes, following the same model-independent prescription.
     27As a generic framework, the four Vector-Like states X (Q=5/3), T (2/3), B (-1/3) and Y (-4/3) are introduced as new spin 1/2 class members. Each class defines a specific top partner with a fixed electric charge, without any assumption on the other quantum numbers. The model file [], loaded in Mathematica with [attachment:VLQ.nb], is designed to allow for a straightforward extension to additional vector-like fermions, simply by adding the new particles to the corresponding class (F(5), F(6), F(7) and F(8) for X-, T-, B- and Y-type quarks, respectively). Particles embedded in larger SU(2) representations may also be introduced under new classes, following the same model-independent prescription.
    2929Together with the new fermion fields definitions, the following interactions are added to the SM Lagrangian: