
Version 16 (modified by Peter Manning, 14 years ago) ( diff )


Two Universal Extra Dimensions


Peter Manning Jr
University of California Santa Cruz
pmmannin at ucsc dot edu

Description of the model and references

In the Two Universal Extra Dimensions (2UED) model, all of the Standard Model fields are permitted to propagate in the six dimensional space-time. This model is similar to its predecessor, the Universal Extra Dimensions (MUED) model in that the extra dimensions are compactified on some manifold. There are several schema for compactifying two extra dimensions (reference), but in the case of this model, the two extra dimensions are compactified on a chiral square. The topology of the chiral square is that of a sphere with two conical singularities. This scheme allows for the existence of chiral fermions, as there are in the Standard Model. There are several very phenomenologically attractive features of this model. These include the existence of a heavy, weakly interacting, stable particle (dark matter candidate), allowance of only integer multiples of 3 fermion generations, as well as the production of a completely new set of heavy scalar particles.

The particle spectra of 2UED includes all of the Standard Model particles as well as their Kaluza-Klein excitations in either one or both of the compactified extra dimensions. Upon compactification one recovers the four dimensional gauge fields, but are left with 2 extra components. One of these components, the spinless adjoint to the gauge field, is invariant under 6D gauge transformations. The other, orthogonal excitation, shifts under such a transformation and corresponds to the Nambu-Goldstone boson eaten by the massive vector gauge field level by level. The 6D fermions have four components corresponding to the + or - 6D chiralities and the familiar L and R 4D chiralities. In order to insure 6D anomaly cancellation and fermion mass generation, the chiralities of the weak-doublet quarks (leptons) are forced to be opposite those of the weak-singlet quarks (leptons). That is, for each generation of quarks, there are the following fields: Q+ = (U+,D+), U-, D-, as well as the analogous fields for the leptons, including a - chirality neutrino field. Each of these 6D chiralities is composed of a combination of L and R handed components. Below is a table summarizing the 2UED particle content for the (0,0), (1,0) and (1,1) levels of excitation, where (0,0) are the standard model fields, (1,0) are fields with excitations in 1 extra dimension and (1,1) are fields with excitations in both extra dimensions.


Standard Model Fermion Fields
Particle NameModeDescriptionFeynRules NameMG NameCH Name
u, c, t(0,0)Standard Model up, charm, top quarksu, c, t u, c, t
d, s, b(0,0)Standard Model down, strange, bottom quarksd, s, b d, s, b
e(0,0)Standard Model electron, muon, tauee
ve(0,0)Standard Model electron neutrinoveve
mu(0,0)Standard Model muonmm
vmu(0,0)Standard Model muon neutrinovmvm
tau(0,0)Standard Model tau tttt
vtau(0,0)Standard Model tau neutrinovtvt
Standard Model Gauge Fields
A(0,0)Standard Model photon Aa
Z(0,0)Standard Model Z-boson Zz
W(0,0)Standard Model W-boson Ww
g(0,0)Standard Model gluon Gg
KK (1,0) Fermion Fields
Particle NameModeDescriptionFeynRules NameMG NameCH Name
Uq10+(1,0)Chirality + up quarku1p u1p
Dq10+(1,0)Chirality + down quarkd1p d1p
Cq10+(1,0)Chirality + charm quarkc1pc1p
Sq10+(1,0)Chirality + strange quarks1ps1p
Tq10+(1,0)Chirality + top quarkt1pt1p
Bq10+(1,0)Chirality + bottom quarkb1pb1p
E10+(1,0)Chirality + electrone1pe1p-
VE10+(1,0)Chirality + electron-neutrinove1pve1p-
Mu10+(1,0)Chirality + muonm1pm1p-
VMu10+(1,0)Chirality + muon-neutrinovm1pvm1p-
Tau10+(1,0)Chirality + tautt1ptt1p-
VTau10+(1,0)Chirality + tau-neutrinovt1pvt1p-
Uq10-(1,0)Chirality - up quarku1m u1m
Dq10-(1,0)Chirality - down quarkd1m d1m
Cq10-(1,0)Chirality - charm quarkc1mc1m
Sq10-(1,0)Chirality - strange quarks1ms1m
Tq10-(1,0)Chirality - top quarkt1mt1m
Bq10-(1,0)Chirality - bottom quarkb1mb1m
E10-(1,0)Chirality - electrone1me1m-
VE10-(1,0)Chirality - electron-neutrinove1mve1m-
Mu10-(1,0)Chirality - muonm1mm1m-
VMu10-(1,0)Chirality - muon-neutrinovm1mvm1m-
Tau10-(1,0)Chirality - tautt1mtt1m-
VTau10-(1,0)Chirality - tau-neutrinovt1mvt1m-
KK (1,0) Gauge Fields
B10(1,0)Vector KK photon B10B10
BH10(1,0)Scalar KK photonBH10BH10
W10(1,0)Vector KK WW10W10+
WH10(1,0)Scalar KK WWH10WH10+
Z10(1,0)Vector KK ZZ10Z10
ZH10(1,0)Scalar KK ZZH10ZH10
G10(1,0)Vector KK GluonG10G10
GH10(1,0)Scalar KK GluonGH10GH10
KK (1,1) Fermion Fields
Particle NameModeDescriptionFeynRules NameMG NameCH Name
Uq11+(1,1)Chirality + up quarku2p u2p
Dq11+(1,1)Chirality + down quarkd2p d2p
Cq11+(1,1)Chirality + charm quarkc2pc2p
Sq11+(1,1)Chirality + strange quarks2ps2p
Tq11+(1,1)Chirality + top quarkt2pt2p
Bq11+(1,1)Chirality + bottom quarkb2pb2p
E11+(1,1)Chirality + electrone2pe2p-
VE11+(1,1)Chirality + electron-neutrinove2pve2p-
Mu11+(1,1)Chirality + muonm2pm2p-
VMu11+(1,1)Chirality + muon-neutrinovm2pvm2p-
Tau11+(1,1)Chirality + tautt2ptt2p-
VTau11+(1,1)Chirality + tau-neutrinovt2pvt2p-
Uq11-(1,1)Chirality - up quarku2m u2m
Dq11-(1,1)Chirality - down quarkd2m d2m
Cq11-(1,1)Chirality - charm quarkc2mc2m
Sq11-(1,1)Chirality - strange quarks2ms2m
Tq11-(1,1)Chirality - top quarkt2mt2m
Bq11-(1,1)Chirality - bottom quarkb2mb2m
E11-(1,1)Chirality - electrone2me2m-
VE11-(1,1)Chirality - electron-neutrinove2mve2m-
Mu11-(1,1)Chirality - muonm2mm2m-
VMu11-(1,1)Chirality - muon-neutrinovm2mvm2m-
Tau11-(1,1)Chirality - tautt2mtt2m-
VTau11-(1,1)Chirality - tau-neutrinovt2mvt2m-
KK (1,1) Gauge Fields
B11(1,1)Vector KK photon B11B11
BH11(1,1)Scalar KK photonBH11BH11
W11(1,1)Vector KK WW11W11+
WH11(1,1)Scalar KK WWH11WH11+
Z11(1,1)Vector KK ZZ11Z11
ZH11(1,1)Scalar KK ZZH11ZH11
G11(1,1)Vector KK GluonG11G11
GH11(1,1)Scalar KK GluonGH11GH11

Attachments (1)

  • 2UED.tgz (83.6 KB ) - added by Peter Manning 14 years ago. First version of 2UED that reproduces the non-Higgs, non-Yukawa sectors

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