Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of UED6

Mar 24, 2011, 3:37:31 PM (14 years ago)
Peter Manning



  • UED6

    v12 v13  
    1414The particle spectra of 2UED includes all of the Standard Model particles as well as their Kaluza-Klein excitations in either one or both of the compactified extra dimensions. Upon compactification one recovers the four dimensional gauge fields, but are left with 2 extra components. One of these components, the spinless adjoint to the gauge field, is invariant under 6D gauge transformations. The other, orthogonal excitation, shifts under such a transformation and corresponds to the Nambu-Goldstone boson eaten by the massive vector gauge field level by level. The 6D fermions have four components corresponding to the + or - 6D chiralities and the familiar L and R 4D chiralities. In order to insure 6D anomaly cancellation and fermion mass generation, the chiralities of the weak-doublet quarks (leptons) are forced to be opposite those of the weak-singlet quarks (leptons). That is, for each generation of quarks, there are the following fields: Q+ = (U+,D+), U-, D-, as well as the analogous fields for the leptons, including a - chirality neutrino field. Each of these 6D chiralities is composed of a combination of L and R handed components. Below is a table summarizing the 2UED particle content for the (0,0), (1,0) and (1,1) levels of excitation, where (0,0) are the standard model fields, (1,0) are fields with excitations in 1 extra dimension and (1,1) are fields with excitations in both extra dimensions.
    16 ||''' ''Standard Model Fields'' '''||||||||||||
     16||''' ''Standard Model Fermion Fields'' '''||||||||||||
    1717||'''Particle Name'''||'''Mode'''||'''Description'''||'''FeynRules Name'''||'''MG Name'''||'''CH Name'''||
    1818||u||(0,0)||Standard Model up quark||u ||u|| ||
    2828||tau||(0,0)||Standard Model tau ||tt||tt|| ||
    2929||vtau||(0,0)||Standard Model tau neutrino||vt||vt || ||
     30||''' ''Standard Model Gauge Fields'' '''||||||||||||
    3031||A||(0,0)||Standard Model photon ||A||a || ||
    3132||Z||(0,0)||Standard Model Z-boson ||Z||z || ||
    3334||g||(0,0)||Standard Model gluon ||G||g || ||
    35 ||''' ''(1,0) Fields'' '''||||||||||||
     36||''' ''KK (1,0) Fermion Fields'' '''||||||||||||
    3637||'''Particle Name'''||'''Mode'''||'''Description'''||'''FeynRules Name'''||'''MG Name'''||'''CH Name'''||
    3738||Uq10+||(1,0)||Chirality + up quark||u1p ||u1p|| ||
    5960||Tau10-||(1,0)||Chirality - tau||tt1m||tt1m-||||
    6061||VTau10-||(1,0)||Chirality - tau-neutrino||vt1m||vt1m-||||
    61 ||B10||(1,0)||Chirality + tau-neutrino||vt1m||vt1m-||||
     62||''' ''KK (1,0) Gauge Fields'' '''||||||||||||
     63||B10||(1,0)||Vector KK photon ||B10||B10||||
     64||BH10||(1,0)||Scalar KK photon||BH10||BH10||||
     65||W10||(1,0)||Vector KK W||W10||W10+||||
     66||WH10||(1,0)||Scalar KK W||WH10||WH10+||||
     67||Z10||(1,0)||Vector KK Z||Z10||Z10||||
     68||ZH10||(1,0)||Scalar KK Z||ZH10||ZH10||||
     69||G10||(1,0)||Vector KK Gluon||G10||G10||||
     70||GH10||(1,0)||Scalar KK Gluon||GH10||GH10||||