Changes between Version 32 and Version 33 of TypeIIISeeSaw

Jul 2, 2012, 6:24:15 PM (12 years ago)
Carla Biggio



  • TypeIIISeeSaw

    v32 v33  
    1212== Model Description ==
    13 This model describes the minimal realisation of the Type III Seesaw. It is an extension of the Standard Model where a fermionic triplet is added to the matter content in order to give mass to one neutrino via a seesaw mechanism. The fermionic triplet is introduced under the form of a heavy Dirac charged lepton tr^+/-^ and a heavy Majorana neutral lepton tr^0^. For an exhaustive description of the model, see references below.
     13This model describes the minimal realisation of the Type III seesaw. It is an extension of the Standard Model where a fermionic SU(2) triplet is added to the matter content in order to give mass to one neutrino via a seesaw mechanism. The fermionic triplet is introduced under the form of a heavy Dirac charged lepton tr^+/-^ and a heavy Majorana neutral lepton tr^0^. For an exhaustive description of the model, see references below.
    1616== References ==
    1717* "mu->e gamma and tau->l gamma decays in the fermion triplet seesaw", A. Abada, C. Biggio, F. Bonnet, B. Gavela, T. Hambye, Phys. Rev. D78 (2008) 033007 [arXiv:0803.0481 arXiv:0803.0481]
    18 * "Implementation of the Type III Seesaw model in FeynRules/MadGraph and prospects for discovery with early LHC data", C. Biggio, F. Bonnet, accepted for publication on Eur. Phys. J. C [ arxiv:1107.3463].
     18* "Implementation of the Type III Seesaw model in FeynRules/MadGraph and prospects for discovery with early LHC data", C. Biggio, F. Bonnet, accepted for publication on Eur. Phys. J. C [ arxiv:1107.3463]
    2020== Model Files ==
    6262== Notes ==
    64 We implemented the couplings to Goldstone bosons so the implementation allows for the use of Feynman gauge. We have checked that the exportation to the `CalcHep` format is successful however we did not check the `CalcHep` output.
     64We implemented the couplings to Goldstone bosons so that the implementation allows for the use of the Feynman gauge. We have checked that the exportation to the `CalcHep` format is successful, however we did not check the `CalcHep` output.
     65N.B.: when using this model with CalcHep the input parameters longer that 6 characters must be redifined to shorter words (thank to Jayash Panigrahi).