Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of TFCNC

Jan 6, 2014, 11:58:34 AM (11 years ago)
Mathieu Buchkremer




    v3 v4  
    2121=== Description ===
    22 This model is an extension of the Standard Model (SM), intended for the study of flavor-changing neutral Higgs interactions in the framework of general two Higgs doublet models [1]. More general parametrizations can be found in the context of effective field theories [2]. As a generic framework, the following interactions are added to the SM Lagrangian [[Image(Lagrangian.png)]] where H is a generic CP-even scalar boson, and the real parameters K_utH and K_cTH denote the flavor-changing couplings of H to up-type quarks. The scenario K_utH = K_ctH = 0 corresponds to the SM case with H being the physical Higgs boson. We highlight that this parametrisation does not include the possiblity for off-shell decays of the H boson, potentially allowing for large values of the associated decay rates due to three-body decays. The H boson default mass and width are set to 125 GeV and 5.75 MeV, respectively. Caution should be exercised when considering the decay width of the top quark, which value in the parameter cards should be adjusted depending on the values of the new flavor-changing couplings. The new user-defined parameters consist of the FCNC block, containing the new flavor-changing couplings of the Higgs boson and top quark to the up and charm quarks (set to 0 and 1, respectively).
     22This model is an extension of the Standard Model (SM), intended for the study of flavor-changing neutral Higgs interactions in the framework of two Higgs doublet models [1]. More general parametrizations can be found in the context of effective field theories [2]. As a generic framework, the following interactions are added to the SM Lagrangian [[Image(Lagrangian.png)]] where H is a generic CP-even scalar boson, and the real parameters K_utH and K_cTH denote the flavor-changing couplings of H to up-type quarks. The scenario K_utH = K_ctH = 0 corresponds to the SM case with H being the physical Higgs boson. We highlight that this parametrisation does not include the possiblity for off-shell decays of the H boson, potentially allowing for large values of the associated decay rates due to three-body decays. The H boson default mass and width are set to 125 GeV and 5.75 MeV, respectively. Caution should be exercised when considering the decay width of the top quark, which value in the parameter cards should be adjusted depending on the values of the new flavor-changing couplings. The new user-defined parameters consist of the FCNC block, containing the new flavor-changing couplings of the Higgs boson and top quark to the up and charm quarks (set to 0 and 1, respectively).
    2424=== Files ===