Changes between Version 84 and Version 85 of SimpleExtensions

Mar 8, 2024, 5:38:44 PM (6 months ago)
Benjamin Fuks



  • SimpleExtensions

    v84 v85  
    77|| '''Model''' || ''' Short Description''' || '''Contact''' || '''Status''' ||
    88||[wiki:331 The 3-3-1 model]||The 3-3-1 model||D.-M. Zhang|| '''Available''' ||
     9||[wiki:yyALP] || ALPs coupled to photons || M. Barros || '''Available''' ||
    910||[wiki:ALRM_general The most general Alternative Left-Right Symmetric Model]||An alternative Left-Right Symmetric Model - most general implementation|| B. Fuks || '''Available''' ||
    1011||[wiki:ALRM Alternative Left-Right Symmetric Model]||An alternative Left-Right Symmetric Model.|| M. Ashry || '''Available''' ||
    2728||[wiki:HNLs Heavy Neutral Leptons]||The SM with heavy neutrinos interacting with mesons.||P. Coloma, E. Fernández-Martínez, M. González-López, J. Hernández-García|| '''Available''' ||
    2829||[wiki:HAHM Hidden Abelian Higgs Model]||A Z' model where the Z' interacts with the SM through mixings, leading to very small non-SM like Z' couplings. ||D. Curtin|| '''Available''' ||
     30||[wiki:HECO] || High Electric Charge Objects (HECOs) pair production by including resummation effects || E. Musumeci || '''Available''' ||
    2931||[wiki:Hillmodel Hill Model]||A model with an unusual extension of the SM Higgs sector.||P. de Aquino, C. Duhr|| '''Available''' ||
    3032||[wiki:InertDoublet Inert Doublet Model]||A model with an additional complex scalar SU(2)L doublet and an unbroken Z2 symmetry under which all SM particles are even while the extra doublet is odd.||A. Goudelis, B. Herrmann, O. Stal|| '''Available''' ||
    5557||[wiki:LeptoQuark Vector-leptoquark model]||This model is an extension of the SM, featuring a vector leptoquark, a colored vector, and a Z' as new heavy mediators.||Michael J. Baker, Javier Fuentes-Martín, Gino Isidori, Matthias König||'''Available'''||
    5658||[wiki:Wprime]||The SM a new spin-1 W' boson.||J. Donini, B. Fuks|| '''Available''' ||
    57 ||[wiki:HECO] || High Electric Charge Objects (HECOs) pair production by including resummation effects || E. Musumeci || '''Available''' ||
    5961Back to the [wiki:ModelDatabaseMainPage FeynRules model database].