Changes between Version 18 and Version 19 of SimpleExtensions

Oct 13, 2013, 5:10:16 PM (11 years ago)
Benjamin Fuks



  • SimpleExtensions

    v18 v19  
    66=== Available models ===
    77|| '''Model''' || ''' Short Description''' || '''Contact''' || '''Status''' ||
     8||[wiki:DY-SM DY SM extension]||The SM plus new spin-0, -1, and -2 bosons that contribute to Drell-Yan production of leptons at the LHC.|| N. Christensen || '''Available''' ||
     9||[FourthGeneration Fourth generation model]||A fourth generation model including a t' and a b'|| C. Duhr ||  '''Available''' ||
     10||[wiki:2HDM General 2HDM]||The most general 2HDM, including all flavor violation and mixing terms.||C. Duhr, M. Herquet|| '''Available''' ||
     11||[HiddenAbelianHiggsModel Hidden Abelian Higgs Model]||A Z' model where the Z' interacts with the SM through mixings, leading to very small non-SM like Z' couplings. ||C. Duhr|| '''Available''' ||
     12||[wiki:HiggsCharacterisation HiggsCharacterisation]||The model file for the spin/parity characterisation of a 125 GeV resonance.||P. de Aquino, K. Mawatari|| '''Available''' ||
    813||[HiggsEffectiveTheory Higgs effective theory]|| An add-on for the SM implementation containing the dimension 5 gluon fusion operator. || C. Duhr || '''Available''' ||
    9 ||[FourthGeneration 4th generation model]||A fourth generation model including a t' and a b'|| C. Duhr ||  '''Available''' ||
     14||[wiki:Hillmodel Hill Model]||A model with an unusual extension of the SM Higgs sector.||P. de Aquino, C. Duhr|| '''Available''' ||
     15||[wiki:InertDoublet Inert Doublet Model]||A model with an additional complex scalar SU(2)L doublet and an unbroken Z2 symmetry under which all SM particles are even while the extra doublet is odd.||A. Goudelis, B. Herrmann, O. Stal|| '''Available''' ||
     16||[wiki:B-L-SM Minimal Zp models]||The minimal Z' extension of the SM.||L. Basso||'''Available'''||
     17||[wiki:Monotops Monotops]||The SM plus monotop effective Lagrangian.|| B. Fuks || '''Available''' ||
     18||[wiki:Sextets Sextet diquarks]||The SM plus sextet diquark scalars.|| J. Alwall, C. Duhr || '''Available''' ||
    1019||[StandardModelScalars Standard model + Scalars] ||The SM, together with a set of singlet scalar particles coupling only to the SM Higgs, and allowing it to decay invisibly into this new scalar sector. || C. Duhr || '''Available''' ||
    11 ||[HiddenAbelianHiggsModel Hidden Abelian Higgs Model]||A Z' model where the Z' interacts with the SM through mixings, leading to very small non-SM like Z' couplings. ||C. Duhr|| '''Available''' ||
    12 ||[wiki:Hillmodel Hill Model]||A model with an unusual extension of the SM Higgs sector.||P. de Aquino, C. Duhr|| '''Available''' ||
    13 ||[wiki:2HDM The general 2HDM]||The most general 2HDM, including all flavor violation and mixing terms.||C. Duhr, M. Herquet|| '''Available''' ||
    1420||[wiki:Triplets Triplet diquarks]||The SM plus triplet diquark scalars.|| J. Alwall, C. Duhr || '''Available''' ||
    15 ||[wiki:Sextets Sextet diquarks]||The SM plus sextet diquark scalars.|| J. Alwall, C. Duhr || '''Available''' ||
    16 ||[wiki:Monotops Monotops]||The SM plus monotop effective Lagrangian.|| B. Fuks || '''Available''' ||
    1721||[wiki:TypeIIISeeSaw Type III See-Saw Model]||The SM, including neutrino masses coming from a type III See-Saw mechanism.|| C. Biggio, F. Bonnet || '''Available''' ||
    18 ||[wiki:DY-SM DY SM extension]||The SM plus new spin-0, -1, and -2 bosons that contribute to Drell-Yan production of leptons at the LHC.|| N. Christensen || '''Available''' ||
    19 ||[wiki:B-L-SM Minimal Zp models]||The minimal Z' extension of the SM.||L. Basso||'''Available'''||
    20 ||[wiki:HiggsCharacterisation HiggsCharacterisation]||The model file for the spin/parity characterisation of a 125 GeV resonance.||P. de Aquino, K. Mawatari|| '''Available''' ||
    2122||[wiki:VLQ]||The SM, plus vector-like quarks, in a model-independent framework.||M. Buchkremer, G. Cacciapaglia, A. Deandrea, L. Panizzi|| '''Available''' ||
    2223||[wiki:Wprime]||The SM a new spin-1 W' boson.||J. Donini, B. Fuks|| '''Available''' ||