Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of SMEFTatNLO

Aug 12, 2019, 11:17:25 AM (5 years ago)
Ken Mimasu




    v6 v7  
    1818The fermionic degrees of freedom (2 & 4 fermion operators) are defined according to the common standards and prescriptions established by the  LHC TOP WG for the EFT interpretation of top-quark measurements at the LHC (see the [ dim6top page] for more information). This model has been validated at LO with the dim6top implementation.
    20 A new coupling order, {{{NP}}}, is added to the model for the SMEFT interactions.
     20A new coupling order, {{{NP}}}, is added to the model for the SMEFT interactions. It is assigned through the universal cutoff parameter, {{{Lambda}}}, which takes a default value of 1 TeV^-2^ and can be modified along with the Wilson coefficients in the param card.
    2222The  [ definitions.pdf] document specifies the operators definitions, normalisations and coefficient names in the UFO model
    2323=== Usage notes ===
    24 The {{{NLO}}} restriction card should be used when importing the model for NLO QCD generation:
     24Because of the mixture of LO/NLO compatible operators included in the model, restriction cards must be used to access the SMEFT interactions. Default loading of the model
     26 > import model SMEFTatNLO_U2_2_U3_3_cG_4F_LO_UFO
     28will load the pure SM without any effective operators.
     30The {{{LO}}} restriction card should be used when importing the model for LO generation:
     32 > import model SMEFTatNLO_U2_2_U3_3_cG_4F_LO_UFO-LO
     35For NLO QCD generation, the {{{NLO}}} restriction card should be used when importing the model:
    2637 > import model SMEFTatNLO_U2_2_U3_3_cG_4F_LO_UFO-NLO
    3546 > generate p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=0 NP=2 [QCD]
    37 Generated the NLO QCD top pair production process including the QCD-induced SM and the SMEFT contributions.
     48Generates the NLO QCD top pair production process including the QCD-induced SM and the SMEFT contributions.
    3849=== Model Files ===
    39 * [ SMEFTatNLO_U2_2_U3_3_cG_4F_LO_UFO.tgz] : archive of UFO model - 4 fermion and c,,G,, operators at LO, U(2)^2^ x U(3)^3^ flavor symmetry
     50* [] : archive of UFO model - 4 fermion and c,,G,, operators at LO, U(2)^2^ x U(3)^3^ flavor symmetry
    4051=== Version updates ===
    4152* 2018/12/20  - v.0.1: First version upload, 4F and c,,G,, operators at LO pending validation; a few minor convention tweaks required to match dim6top exactly. {{{}}} missing.
    4253* 2019/04/03  - v.0.1: Added definitions.pdf document and uploaded a new version with a fix for restrict_default.dat
     54* 2019/08/12  - v.0.1:  Uploaded a new version matching dim6top operator conventions, also some bugfixes and gs normalisation for otG