Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of SMEFT_BGFM

Oct 7, 2021, 5:26:32 PM (3 years ago)
Tyler Corbett




    v7 v8  
    22 The model includes all SMEFT operators at dimension six as well as dimension-eight operators of Classes 2, 3, and 4. Fermionic operators are introduced with no assumptions on flavor and the Yukawa operators and class 5 operators are diagonalized using standard rotations of the Left and Right-handed fermionic fields, resulting in meaningful goldstone-fermion couplings which also incorporate the CKM matrix for charged goldstone interactions. Another appeal of the model is that it incorporates field and mass redefinitions coming from the SMEFT to order 1/Lambda^4^. This is to the author's knowledge the only package incorporating these effects. As dimension-six-squared effects are frequently included in the literature without incorporating these redefinitions this tool provides an excellent opportunity to study the implications of incomplete calculations. This is discussed in the paper outlining the implementation, [ arXiv 2010.15852].
     22The model includes all SMEFT operators at dimension six as well as dimension-eight operators of Classes 2, 3, 4, and 7. Fermionic operators are introduced with no assumptions on flavor and the Yukawa operators and class 5 operators are diagonalized using standard rotations of the Left and Right-handed fermionic fields, resulting in meaningful goldstone-fermion couplings which also incorporate the CKM matrix for charged goldstone interactions. Another appeal of the model is that it incorporates field and mass redefinitions coming from the SMEFT to order 1/Lambda^4^. This is to the author's knowledge the only package incorporating these effects. As dimension-six-squared effects are frequently included in the literature without incorporating these redefinitions this tool provides an excellent opportunity to study the implications of incomplete calculations. This is discussed in the paper outlining the implementation, [ arXiv 2010.15852]. The Class 15 leptonic operators as defined in [ arXiv 2005.00059] have also been included.
    3434== Description of Attachments ==
    36 1. includes only the files required to derive the Feynman rules and no ancillary files.
     361. includes only the files required to derive the Feynman rules and no ancillary files.
    38 2. includes the files required to derive the Feynman rules, an example Mathematica notebook which selects only n-point rules and creates the Feynarts model file or outputs the rules to the screen, and a directory which derives two-point functions and the Tadpole. This directory, "SMEFT6_3and4pts," includes:
     402. (note: the .fr files have not been updated in this attachment to v1.1 and should be separately added and used with the mathematica notebooks contained in these files) includes the files required to derive the Feynman rules, an example Mathematica notebook which selects only n-point rules and creates the Feynarts model file or outputs the rules to the screen, and a directory which derives two-point functions and the Tadpole. This directory, "SMEFT6_3and4pts," includes:
    3941   * SMEFT6_3and4pts.gen and SMEFT6_3and4pts.mod, Feynarts model files including only the 3 and 4 point vertices for the SMEFT at dimension-six.
    4042   * rulesrearrange.nb a Mathematica notebook that reads in the Feynarts model file and simplifies the rules, greatly speeding up the performance of Formcalc.
    4143   * ampprint.nb a Mathematica notebook that reads in the simplified Feynarts model file and derives the two-point functions and the Tadpole. It also uses Package-X to derive the UV-divergent part of these amplitudes and prints the desired Wilson coefficient dependence of the amplitudes to screen.
     44   * note: the .fr files have not been updated in this attachment to v1.1 and should be separately added and used with the mathematica notebooks contained in these files
    4346   Usage of the ancillary files requires the user to have Feynarts, Formcalc, and Package-X installed in Mathematica and some basic understanding of the packages to run.
     483. is the 1.0 version of the Feynrules files and is kept for backtesting both by the creator and users.
    4650== Change Log ==
     51v1.1  7 Oct 2021: Added Cl7 and Cl15 operators at dimension eight. The covariant derivative was rewritten in terms of Q_e g2bar, gzbar, ebar, and sz for clearer Feynman rules. Fixed barred fermion mass substitutions.
    4753v1.0 29 Nov 2020: The first version.