Changes between Version 16 and Version 17 of SMEFT

Sep 14, 2017, 8:24:19 PM (7 years ago)




    v16 v17  
    1919The SMEFTsim package is to provide a complete tool for the analysis of the tree level interference terms between the L,,6,, dependent amplitude and the SM amplitudes in a measured process. In this spirit, we stress that this package is neither to be employed for the extraction of accurate SM predictions nor equipped for NLO calculations in MadGraph5_aMC@NLO.
    21 The models are built upon the default SM implementation in FeynRules, from which they inherit the SM fields, parameters and Lagrangian definitions. The original file has been extended and modified to include the complete set of L,,6,, baryon number conserving operators of the Warsaw basis. The loop-induced effective couplings of SM Higgs to gg, γγ and Zγ have also been included. At this stage, the ghost Lagrangian has been left in its SM form. The entire parameter space of the L,,6,, SMEFT and the automatic inclusion of the shifts due to the choice of an input parameters set are implemented.
     21The models are built upon the default SM implementation in FeynRules, from which they inherit the SM fields, parameters and Lagrangian definitions. The original file has been extended and modified to include the complete set of L,,6,, baryon number conserving operators of the Warsaw basis. The loop-induced effective couplings of SM Higgs to gg, γγ and Zγ have also been included. At this stage, the ghost Lagrangian has been left in its SM form. The entire Wilson coefficient parameter space of the L,,6,, SMEFT and the automatic inclusion of the shifts due to the choice of an input parameters set are implemented.
    2323Two independent sets are supplied in the SMEFTsim package. Each set contains a single master code and a number of subroutines, along with several restriction files. The model file can be loaded in FeynRules using the notebook program, with the product of the UFOs.