== !MassList, !WidthList and all that == === !MassList === {{{MassList}}} is a list of length 2, whose entries are 1. The {{{BlockName}}} {{{MASS}}} for masses 1. A matrix: in each row you find 1. The pdg code of the particle (between curly brackets) 1. The symbol for the mass. 1. The numerival value ( {{{Internal}}} if the mass if given as an internal parameter, and {{{NoValue[1]}}} if no value is specified in the model file. Notice that massless particles are not shown in {{{MassList}}}. === !WidthList === Similar to {{{MassList}}}, except that the first element is the {{{BlockName}}} {{{DECAY}}}. Notice that stable particles (Γ{{{0) are not shown in =WidthList}}}. === !EParamList === {{{EParamList}}} is a list containing all external parameters defined in the model file. Each element of this list is a two-component list, corresponding to a LH block: 1. The first element is the LH block 1. The second element is a list containing all the parameters in this block. Each parameter is given as a list: 1. The LH block number (between curly brackets) 1. A list of length 4 or 6 giving all the properties of the parameter. If no {{{InteractionOrder}}} was specified for this parameter, then the length of the list is 4: 1. The {{{ParameterName}}} of the parameter. 1. the numerical value 1. {{{True}}}/{{{False}}}, specifying whether the parameter is complex ( {{{True}}}) or not ( {{{False}}}). 1. a string, giving a description of the parameter. If an {{{InteractionOrder}}} was defined, then the length of the list is 6 1. The {{{ParameterName}}} of the parameter. 1. The name of the {{{InteractionOrder}}} (usually {{{QED}}}/{{{QCD}}}) 1. The value of the interaction order. 1. the numerical value 1. {{{True}}}/{{{False}}}, specifying whether the parameter is complex ( {{{True}}}) or not ( {{{False}}}). 1. a string, giving a description of the parameter. === !IParamList === {{{IParamList}}} is a list containing all internal parameter defined in the model file. Each parameter is represented by a four or six component list: * Is no {{{InteractionOrder}}} was defined for the parameter, then the length of the list is 4: 1. The {{{ParameterName}}} of the parameter. 1. The name of the {{{InteractionOrder}}} (usually {{{QED}}}/{{{QCD}}}) 1. The value of the interaction order. 1. the relation to other parametes (external and/or internal) 1. {{{True}}}/{{{False}}}, specifying whether the parameter is complex ( {{{True}}}) or not ( {{{False}}}). 1. a string, giving a description of the parameter. * If an {{{InteractionOrder}}} was defined, then the length of the list is 6: 1. The {{{ParameterName}}} of the parameter. 1. the relation to other parametes (external and/or internal) 1. {{{True}}}/{{{False}}}, specifying whether the parameter is complex ( {{{True}}}) or not ( {{{False}}}). 1. a string, giving a description of the parameter. === !ParamList === {{{ParamList}}} is a list containing both the external parameters. Each external parameter corresponds to a six or eight component list. If no interaction order was defined 1. The {{{ParameterName}}} of the parameter. 1. A tag {{{Ext}}}. 1. The numerical value 1. The LH block name. 1. {{{True}}}/{{{False}}}, specifying whether the parameter is complex ( {{{True}}}) or not ( {{{False}}}). 1. a string, giving a description of the parameter. If an interaction order was defined 1. The {{{ParameterName}}} of the parameter. 1. A tag {{{Ext}}}. 1. The numerical value. 1. The LH block name. 1. The name of the {{{InteractionOrder}}} (usually {{{QED}}}/{{{QCD}}}) 1. The value of the interaction order. 1. {{{True}}}/{{{False}}}, specifying whether the parameter is complex ( {{{True}}}) or not ( {{{False}}}). 1. A string, giving a description of the parameter. Each internal parameter corresponds to a five or seven eight component list. If no interaction order was defined 1. The {{{ParameterName}}} of the parameter. 1. A tag {{{Int}}}. 1. The relation to other parametes (external and/or internal). 1. {{{True}}}/{{{False}}}, specifying whether the parameter is complex ( {{{True}}}) or not ( {{{False}}}). 1. A string, giving a description of the parameter. If an interaction order was defined 1. The {{{ParameterName}}} of the parameter. 1. A tag {{{Int}}}. 1. The relation to other parametes (external and/or internal). 1. The name of the {{{InteractionOrder}}} (usually {{{QED}}}/{{{QCD}}}) 1. The value of the interaction order. 1. {{{True}}}/{{{False}}}, specifying whether the parameter is complex ( {{{True}}}) or not ( {{{False}}}). 1. A string, giving a description of the parameter. -- Main.ClaudeDuhr - 19 Mar 2008