====== Fully validated ====== * SM * CH-ST , CH-FR (Feynman), CH-FR (Unitary), CompHep-FR, MG - ST, MG-FR * 33 2>2 processes * 3-Site Model * CH - LanHep, CH-FR (Feynman), CH-FR (Unitary), MG-FR * 222 2>2 processes * Discovered problem in CH-LH when forcing unitary gauge. Unitarity cancellations do no longer tale place. Problem absent in CH-FR. * UED * Comparision with the Feynman rules in the litterature. * CH-LH, CH-FR,MG-FR (only Unitary) * 118 2>2 processes * Discovered problem in W1+W1->W+W- in CH-LH. Unitarity cancellations do not take place. Problem absent in FR. * Typo in CH-L. MTop -> MTau. * Hill Model * CH-FR, MG-FR (Only Unitary) * 107 2>2 processes. * Non linear sigma model * Computation of eta-eta' mixing. * Large extra dimension * Comparison of the Feynman rules with litterature. * QCD in Gervais-Neveu gauge * Comparison of the Feynmen rules with the litterature. ====== On-going Validation ====== * SUSY * Comparison with the Feynman rules in the litterature * Computation of 2>2 hadro cross-sections with FA/FC * MG-ST - MG-FR (SPS1a) * ~300 1>2 decays * ~450 2>2 cross-sections (CATPISS) * ~2700 2>3 matrix elements (MGSA) * CH validation on-going (Feynman & Unitary) (SPS1a) * Lots of problems with CH-ST!!!!!!! * Validation of FVMSSM against Whizard/O'mega and XSUSY. * Triangle Moose model * CH-LH- CH-FR * MG on-going * Hidden valley model * Computation of 1>2 decays in FA/FC, comparism with MG. * MG-F, CH-FR ongoing. ====== To be added in the future ====== * 2HDM (Michel Herquet, Claude Duhr) * Model implemented, needs only to be validated. * SILH (Swarup Majee) * NMSSM (Benj) * Validation against W/O. * RPVMSSM (Benj + ?) * Needs eps^ijk. * Little Higgs (Michel Herquet) * Majorana neutrinos? * Type III by R. Franceschini? * Type II by L. Basso? * Which types in general? * Non commutative SM (-> Xavier) * Randall-Sundrum (Swarup-Priscila R&D) ====== New features / tools / modules (beyond V1.4) ====== * Automatic writing of .gen file for FA/FC (Celine). * First completely generic ME calculator!!!! * Automatic writing of HELAS routines (Will). * Spin-2 HELAS routines (Kaoru, Priscila?) * Automatic computation of decays (Neil). * Automatisation of FA/FC checks against MGSA (?) * Java interface(Neil). * 4-fermion operators: automatic reduction to FFS/FFV vertices (Marco). * Higher-dimensional operator automatic reduction (OPEN). -- Main.ClaudeDuhr - 26 Mar 2009