Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of MonopoleDY

Dec 4, 2018, 11:12:18 AM (6 years ago)



  • MonopoleDY

    v5 v6  
    11=== Description of the UFO models to generate Dirac magnetic monopoles
    3 Dirac magnetic monopoles can be generated by Drell-Yan process or photon fusion process. The UFO models shown here describe both the processes and generate the corresponding LHE files. These models were tested for three spin cases (0, 1/2 and 1) and two processes (photon fusion and Drell-Yan).
     3Dirac magnetic monopoles can be generated by Drell-Yan process or photon fusion process. The UFO models shown here describe both the processes and generate the corresponding LHE files. These models were tested for three spin cases (0, 1/2 and 1) and two processes (photon fusion and Drell-Yan). In the models attached in this page, there are two different couplings used:
    44a. velocity independent coupling models: mono_spinzero, mono_spinhalf and mono_spinone.
    55b. velocity dependent coupling models: mono_spinzero_beta, mono_spinhalf_beta, mono_spinone_beta.
    5252    h. If you don't change the part 1 of the script at all (you only need to change it to import different monopole models), then you just need to use steps c-f only once. After that, in step g, change the mass parameter in script 2 and run for different mass points.
    54     i. For different spin models, one just needs to import those corresponding models in part 1 of the script.
     54    i. ''''For different spin models, one just needs to import those corresponding models in part 1 of the script.''''
    100100    h. If you don't change the part 1 of the script at all (you only need to change it to import different monopole models), then you just need to use steps c-f only once. After that, in step g, change the mass parameter in script 2 and run for different mass points.
    102     i. For different spin models, one just needs to import those corresponding models in part 1 of the script.
     102    i. ''''For different spin models, one just needs to import those corresponding models in part 1 of the script.''''