Changes between Version 19 and Version 20 of ModelDatabaseMainPage

Mar 6, 2015, 7:34:04 PM (10 years ago)
Claude Duhr



  • ModelDatabaseMainPage

    v19 v20  
    1616=== Available models ===
    1717||[StandardModel Standard Model]||The SM implementation of !FeynRules, included into the distribution of the !FeynRules package.||
    18 ||[SimpleExtensions Simple extensions of the SM (22)]||Several models based on the SM that include one or more additional particles, like a 4th generation, a second Higgs doublet or additional colored scalars.||
    19 ||[SusyModels Supersymmetric Models (5)]||Various supersymmetric extensions of the SM, including the MSSM, the NMSSM and many more.||
    20 ||[ExtraDimModels Extra-dimensional Models (4)]||Extensions of the SM including KK excitations of the SM particles.||
    21 ||[EffectiveModels Strongly coupled and effective field theories (8)]||Including Technicolor, Little Higgs, as well as SM higher-dimensional operators, vector-like quarks.||
    22 ||[MiscellaneousModels Miscellaneous (0)]||||
     18||[SimpleExtensions Simple extensions of the SM]||Several models based on the SM that include one or more additional particles, like a 4th generation, a second Higgs doublet or additional colored scalars.||
     19||[SusyModels Supersymmetric Models]||Various supersymmetric extensions of the SM, including the MSSM, the NMSSM and many more.||
     20||[ExtraDimModels Extra-dimensional Models]||Extensions of the SM including KK excitations of the SM particles.||
     21||[EffectiveModels Strongly coupled and effective field theories]||Including Technicolor, Little Higgs, as well as SM higher-dimensional operators, vector-like quarks.||
     22||[MiscellaneousModels Miscellaneous]||||