Changes between Version 26 and Version 27 of MSSM

Mar 31, 2011, 11:49:46 PM (14 years ago)
Benjamin Fuks



  • MSSM

    v26 v27  
    1010One popular Beyond the Standard Model theory is the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). Its main features are to link bosons with fermions and unify internal and external symmetries. Moreover, it allows for a stabilization of the gap between the Planck and the electroweak scale and for gauge coupling unification at high energies, provides a dark matter candidate as the lightest supersymmetric particle and appears naturally in string theories. However, since supersymmetric particles have not yet been discovered, supersymmetry must be broken at low energies, which makes the superpartners massive in comparison to their Standard Model counterparts.
    12 Our MSSM implementation in !FeynRules is the most general one in a sense that it is keeping all the flavour-violating and helicity-mixing terms in the Lagrangian and also all the possible additional CP-violating phases. This yields thus 105 new free parameters. In order to deal in a transparent way with all of those, our implementation will follow the commonly used universal set of conventions provided by the Supersymmetry Les Houches Accord, except for some minor points (see instructions below).
     12Our MSSM implementation in !FeynRules is general in the sense that it is keeping all the flavour-violating and helicity-mixing terms in the Lagrangian and also all the possible additional CP-violating phases. In order to deal in a transparent way with all the free parameters of the model, our implementation follows the commonly used universal set of conventions provided by the Supersymmetry Les Houches Accord.
    1414The current version of the model, compatible with !FeynRules v1.6.0 and below used the [ superspace module] of !FeynRules.