Changes between Version 21 and Version 22 of MSSM

Mar 31, 2011, 12:51:37 AM (14 years ago)
Benjamin Fuks



  • MSSM

    v21 v22  
    3737=== Optimized matrix element generator models for sps1a (removal of all zero terms in the vertices) ===
    3938||[/attachment/wiki/MSSM/sps1a_ch.tgz sps1a_ch.tgz]||The model files for !CalcHep.||
    4039||[/attachment/wiki/MSSM/sps1a_fa.tgz sps1a_fa.tgz]||The model files for !FeynArts.||
    4140||[/attachment/wiki/MSSM/sps1a_mg.tgz sps1a_mg.tgz]||The model files for !MadGraph 4.||
    42 || Not supported || The model files for Sherpa.||
    4341||[/attachment/wiki/MSSM/sps1a_ufo.tgz sps1a_ufo.tgz ]||The model files in UFO format (e.g. for !MadGraph 5).||
    4442||[/attachment/wiki/MSSM/sps1a_wo.tgz sps1a_wo.tgz]||The model files for Whizard.||
     43The Sherpa interface is not supported.
    4645=== Validation ===
    48 In order to validate our implementation, we have performed the following tests.
    49    * '''!FeynArts model file generated by !FeynRules''': recalculation of the helicity amplitudes related to the hadroproduction of a pair of supersymmetric particles and comparison with the three references:
     47* The '''MSSM-superspace model''' has been validated against the first MSSM implementation in !FeynRules. We calculate the Feynman rules associated to the difference of the old and the new Lagrangian, and obtains an empty set of rules.
     48* The '''old MSSM implementation''' has been validated as follow:
     49   * !FeynArts model file generated by !FeynRules: recalculation of the helicity amplitudes related to the hadroproduction of a pair of supersymmetric particles and comparison with the three references:
    5050      * [ Nucl. Phys. B787 (2007) 1]: G. Bozzi, B. Fuks, B. Herrmann and M. Klasen, ''Squark and gaugino hadroproduction and decays in non-minimal flavour violating supersymmetry.''
    5151      * [ Nucl. Phys. B810 (2009) 266]: B. Fuks, B. Herrmann and M. Klasen, ''Flavour Violation in Gauge-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking Models: Experimental Constraints and Phenomenology at the LHC.''
    52       * B. Fuks '', private communication''.
    53    * '''Comparison of the built-in CalcHEP (CH-ST) and !MadGraph (MG-ST) model files with the !FeynRules generated ones, MG-FR and CH-FR,''' through the calculation of various quantities. For each implementation, we have fixed all the parameters to those of __SPS 1a__ and set the __widths of the particles to zero__.
    54       * '''1 to 2''' decay widths for all Standard Model particles and their superpartners (320 channels), for MG-FR and MG-ST: [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/decay.tgz decay.tgz].
    55       * '''2 to 2''' cross sections related to the production of any pair of particles from a Standard Model initial state of __2x600 GeV__ and __2x1000 GeV__, and for the four implementations CH-ST, CH-FR, MG-ST and MG-FR. __CalcHEP is run in unitary gauge__.
    56          * Leptonic initial states (twice 149 channels): [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/lept.tgz lept.tgz].
    57          * Quark initial state (twice 181 channels): [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/quark.tgz quark.tgz].
    58          * Gauge boson initial states (twice 291 channels): [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/vv.tgz vv.tgz].
    59          * Other (twice 15 channels): [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/other.tgz other.tgz].
    60       * '''2 to 3''' matrix element evaluation for given phase space points: not available yet.
    61       * Note: we have __some disagreements__ (red spots in the jpg-files). They are due to
    62          * A certain amount of __bugs in the CH-ST implementation__.
    63          * __Massless propagators in t-channel diagrams__ leading to unreliable results for all implementations. We have tested here unintegrated matrix elements for 100 different phase space points: [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/sa.tgz sa.tgz].
     52      * B. Fuks, B. Herrmann and M. Klasen'', in preperation''.
     53   * Comparison of the built-in Monte Carlo model files with the !FeynRules generated ones (!CalcHep, !MadGraph, !Whizard and !Sherpa) through the calculation of various quantities. For each implementation, we have fixed all the parameters to those of __SPS 1a__ and set the __widths of the particles to zero__. We have calculated 2 to 2 cross sections related to the production of any pair of particles from a Standard Model initial state of __2x600 GeV__, in unitarity gauge.The results are available here [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/validation.tgz validation.tgz]. We have __some disagreements__ (red spots in the jpg-files). They are due to
     54      * A certain amount of __bugs in the CH-ST implementation__.
     55      * Incompatibilities within the Sherpa interface.
     56      * __Massless propagators in t-channel diagrams__ leading to unreliable results for all implementations.