Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of MSSM

Mar 3, 2010, 8:42:49 AM (15 years ago)
Benjamin Fuks



  • MSSM

    v13 v14  
    2323'''The MSSM implementation:'''
    24    * Main !FeynRules files (as a tar-ball): [ susy1.0.1.tgz (05.07.09)].
    25    * Example of parameter file: [ SPS 1a], with the corresponding [ restriction file].
    26    * Parameter file translator, SLHA format-!FeynRules format: [ Translator1.1.8].
    27    * Example of a Mathematica® notebook loading the model and the parameters: [ SUSY.nb].
     24   * Main !FeynRules files (as a tar-ball): [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/susy1.0.1.tgz susy1.0.1.tgz (05.07.09)].
     25   * Example of parameter file: [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/FRT_paramcard.dat SPS 1a], with the corresponding [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/sps1a.rst restriction file].
     26   * Parameter file translator, SLHA format-!FeynRules format: [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/translator1.1.8.tgz Translator1.1.8].
     27   * Example of a Mathematica® notebook loading the model and the parameters: [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/SUSY.nb SUSY.nb].
    2929'''Not yet public / planned extensions''' (can be obtained on demand):
    4141=== Interfaces ===
    4242Here are the output files obtained for SPS1a after using the various translation interfaces and the example notebook given above.The prefix __sps1a__ in the filename means the use of a __sps1a__ restriction file to remove all the zero elements of the mixing matrices from the vertices.
    43    * '''TeX:''' [ tex.tgz (13.06.09)].
    44    * '''FeynArts:''' [ SUSY.mod (12.06.09)].
    45    * '''!MadGraph''': [ mg.tgz (12.06.09)], [ (05.07.09)].
    46    * '''CalcHEP''': [ ch.tgz (12.06.09)], [ (08.07.09)].
     43   * '''TeX:''' [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/tex.tgz tex.tgz (13.06.09)].
     44   * '''FeynArts:''' [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/SUSY.mod SUSY.mod (12.06.09)].
     45   * '''!MadGraph''': [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/mg.tgz mg.tgz (12.06.09)], [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/ (05.07.09)].
     46   * '''CalcHEP''': [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/ch.tgz ch.tgz (12.06.09)], [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/ (08.07.09)].
    4747   * '''SHERPA''': not available yet.
    4848=== Validation ===
    5454      * B. Fuks '', private communication''.
    5555   * '''Comparison of the built-in CalcHEP (CH-ST) and !MadGraph (MG-ST) model files with the !FeynRules generated ones, MG-FR and CH-FR,''' through the calculation of various quantities. For each implementation, we have fixed all the parameters to those of __SPS 1a__ and set the __widths of the particles to zero__.
    56       * '''1 to 2''' decay widths for all Standard Model particles and their superpartners (320 channels), for MG-FR and MG-ST: [ decay.tgz].
     56      * '''1 to 2''' decay widths for all Standard Model particles and their superpartners (320 channels), for MG-FR and MG-ST: [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/decay.tgz decay.tgz].
    5757      * '''2 to 2''' cross sections related to the production of any pair of particles from a Standard Model initial state of __2x600 GeV__ and __2x1000 GeV__, and for the four implementations CH-ST, CH-FR, MG-ST and MG-FR. __CalcHEP is run in unitary gauge__.
    58          * Leptonic initial states (twice 149 channels): [ lept.tgz].
    59          * Quark initial state (twice 181 channels): [ quark.tgz].
    60          * Gauge boson initial states (twice 291 channels): [ vv.tgz].
    61          * Other (twice 15 channels): [ other.tgz].
     58         * Leptonic initial states (twice 149 channels): [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/lept.tgz lept.tgz].
     59         * Quark initial state (twice 181 channels): [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/quark.tgz quark.tgz].
     60         * Gauge boson initial states (twice 291 channels): [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/vv.tgz vv.tgz].
     61         * Other (twice 15 channels): [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/other.tgz other.tgz].
    6262      * '''2 to 3''' matrix element evaluation for given phase space points: not available yet.
    6363      * Note: we have __some disagreements__ (red spots in the jpg-files). They are due to
    6464         * A certain amount of __bugs in the CH-ST implementation__.
    65          * __Massless propagators in t-channel diagrams__ leading to unreliable results for all implementations. We have tested here unintegrated matrix elements for 100 different phase space points: [ sa.tgz].
     65         * __Massless propagators in t-channel diagrams__ leading to unreliable results for all implementations. We have tested here unintegrated matrix elements for 100 different phase space points: [/attachment/wiki/MSSM/sa.tgz sa.tgz].