Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of MSSM

Feb 21, 2010, 6:08:38 PM (15 years ago)
Benjamin Fuks



  • MSSM

    v9 v10  
    5656      * '''1 to 2''' decay widths for all Standard Model particles and their superpartners (320 channels), for MG-FR and MG-ST: [ decay.tgz].
    5757      * '''2 to 2''' cross sections related to the production of any pair of particles from a Standard Model initial state of __2x600 GeV__ and __2x1000 GeV__, and for the four implementations CH-ST, CH-FR, MG-ST and MG-FR. __CalcHEP is run in unitary gauge__.
    58          * Leptonic initial states (twice 149 channels): [attachment:ee600.jpg ee600.jpg], [attachment:ee1000.jpg ee1000.jpg], [attachment:tautau600.jpg tautau600.jpg], [attachment:tautau1000.jpg tautau1000.jpg], [attachment:enu600.jpg enu600.jpg], [attachment:enu1000.jpg enu1000.jpg], [attachment:taunu600.jpg taunu600.jpg], [attachment:taunu1000.jpg taunu1000.jpg].
    59          * Quark initial state (twice 181 channels): [attachment:uu600.jpg uu600.jpg], [attachment:uu1000.jpg uu1000.jpg], [attachment:dd600.jpg dd600.jpg], [attachment:dd1000.jpg dd1000.jpg], [attachment:bb600.jpg bb600.jpg], [attachment:bb1000.jpg bb1000.jpg], [attachment:bt600.jpg bt600.jpg], [attachment:bt1000.jpg bt1000.jpg].
    60          * Gauge boson initial states (twice 291 channels): [attachment:aa600.jpg aa600.jpg], [attachment:aa1000.jpg aa1000.jpg], [attachment:ga600.jpg ga600.jpg], [attachment:ga1000.jpg ga1000.jpg], [attachment:gg600.jpg gg600.jpg], [attachment:gg1000.jpg gg1000.jpg], [attachment:gz600.jpg gz600.jpg], [attachment:gz1000.jpg gz1000.jpg], [attachment:za600.jpg za600.jpg], [attachment:za1000.jpg za1000.jpg], [attachment:zz600.jpg zz600.jpg], [attachment:zz1000.jpg zz1000.jpg], [attachment:ww600.jpg ww600.jpg], [attachment:ww1000.jpg ww1000.jpg], [attachment:wa600.jpg wa600.jpg], [attachment:wa1000.jpg wa1000.jpg], [attachment:gw600.jpg wg600.jpg], [attachment:wg1000.jpg wg1000.jpg], [attachment:wz600.jpg wz600.jpg], [attachment:wz1000.jpg wz1000.jpg].
    61          * Other (twice 15 channels): [attachment:qg600.jpg qg600.jpg], [attachment:qg1000.jpg qg1000.jpg], [attachment:other600.jpg other600.jpg], [attachment:other1000.jpg other1000.jpg].
     58         * Leptonic initial states (twice 149 channels): [ lept-tgz].
     59         * Quark initial state (twice 181 channels): [ quark.tgz].
     60         * Gauge boson initial states (twice 291 channels): [ vv.tgz].
     61         * Other (twice 15 channels): [ other.tgz].
    6262      * '''2 → 3''' matrix element evaluation for given phase space points: not available yet.
    63       * Note: we have '''some disagreements''' (red spots in the jpg). They are due to
    64          * A certain amount of %RED%bugs in the CH-ST implementation%ENDCOLOR%.
    65          * %RED%Massless propagators in t-channel diagrams%ENDCOLOR% leading to unreliable results for all implementations. We have tested here unintegrated matrix elements for 100 different phase space points: [attachment:sa600.jpg sa600.jpg], [attachment:sa1000.jpg sa1000.jpg].
     63      * Note: we have __some disagreements__ (red spots in the jpg-files). They are due to
     64         * A certain amount of __bugs in the CH-ST implementation__.
     65         * __Massless propagators in t-channel diagrams__ leading to unreliable results for all implementations. We have tested here unintegrated matrix elements for 100 different phase space points: [ sa.tgz].