Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of HiggsTopCurrents

Jun 29, 2016, 9:46:49 PM (8 years ago)
Ennio Salvioni



  • HiggsTopCurrents

    v4 v5  
    22== Description ==
    4 The Standard Model (SM) is extended to include three dimension-6 operators constructed multiplying the Higgs current times a current formed with the third generation qL = (tL, bL) doublet or the right-handed top tR. The Lagrangian is [[Image(Lagrangian.png)]] which defines the new parameters {cL1, cL3, cR, cutoff}. If the parameter cutoff is set equal to the electroweak VEV v, {cL1, cL3, cR} are identified with the coefficients of the first three operators appearing in Eq. (2.5) of Ref. [1].
     4In the HiggsTopCurrents model, the Standard Model is extended to include three dimension-6 operators constructed multiplying the Higgs current times a current formed with the third generation qL = (tL, bL) doublet or the right-handed top tR. The Lagrangian is [[Image(Lagrangian.png)]] which defines the new parameters {cL1, cL3, cR, cutoff}. If the parameter cutoff is set equal to the electroweak VEV v, {cL1, cL3, cR} are identified with the coefficients of the first three operators appearing in Eq. (2.5) of Ref. [1].
    66== Validation ==
    8 We have verified that the Feynman rules obtained from the model agree with those computed analytically. We have also made a detailed comparison of the cross section for Wb -> Zt computed using MadGraph5 with an analytical computation. The results are reported in the attached file validation.pdf.
     8We have verified that the Feynman rules obtained from the model agree with those computed analytically. We have also made a detailed comparison of the cross section for Wb -> Zt computed using the UFO output in MadGraph5 with an analytical computation, finding excellent agreement. The results are reported in the attached file validation.pdf.
     10== Reference ==
     12[1] Jeff Asaf Dror, Marco Farina, Ennio Salvioni and Javi Serra, "Strong tW scattering at the LHC," JHEP 01 (2017) 071, arXiv:1511.03674 [hep-ph].