Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of HiggsCharacterisation

Jul 20, 2013, 7:51:57 AM (11 years ago)



  • HiggsCharacterisation

    v11 v12  
    1010This is a model file for the characterisation of the boson recently discovered at the LHC.
    11 Our effective lagrangian consists of the SM (except for the Higgs itself), expressed through the physical degrees of freedom present below the EWSB scale, plus a new bosonic state X(J^P^) with spin/parity assignments J^P^ = 0^+^, 0^-^, 1^+^, 1^-^, and 2^+^. The new state can couple to SM particles via interactions of the lowest possible dimensions. In addition, the state 0^+^ is allowed to mix with the 0^-^ one, and can interact with SM particles with higher-dimensional operators beyond those of the SM. See more details in
     11Our effective lagrangian consists of the SM (except for the Higgs itself), expressed through the physical degrees of freedom present below the EWSB scale, plus a new bosonic state X(J^P^) with spin/parity assignments J^P^ = 0^+^, 0^-^, 1^+^, 1^-^, or 2^+^. The new state can couple to SM particles via interactions of the lowest possible dimensions. In addition, the state 0^+^ is allowed to mix with the 0^-^ one, and can interact with SM particles with higher-dimensional operators beyond those of the SM. See more details in
    1313[arXiv:1306.6464] : P. Artoisenet, P. de Aquino, F. Demartin, R. Frederix, S. Frixione, F. Maltoni, M. K. Mandal, P. Mathews, K. Mawatari, V. Ravindran, S. Seth, P. Torrielli, M. Zaro, "A framework for Higgs characterisation".
    3131=== Version updates ===
    33 * 16.01.2013 - v1.0: Release version.
    34 * 04.04.2013 - v1.1: Added the CP-odd Yukawa terms in the X0 lagrangian and modified the X2 HD lagrangian to be proportional to 1/Lambda^3.
    35 * 15.04.2013 - v2.0: Fixed a bug for the X2 lowest dimensional interactions with massive gauge bosons. Parametrization for X0 modified.
    36 * 28.05.2013 - v2.1: Fixed a bug for the X0 coupling to the massive vector bosons (SM couplings recovered).
     33* 16.01.2013 - v1.0: release version.
     34* 04.04.2013 - v1.1: added the CP-odd Yukawa terms in the X0 lagrangian and modified the X2 HD lagrangian to be proportional to 1/Lambda^3.
     35* 15.04.2013 - v2.0: fixed a bug for the X2 lowest dimensional interactions with massive gauge bosons. Parametrization for X0 modified.
     36* 28.05.2013 - v2.1: fixed a bug for the X0 coupling to the massive vector bosons (SM couplings recovered).
    3737* 27.06.2013 - v3.0: major update and version for the paper [arXiv:1306.6464].
    38 * 04.07.2013 - v3.1: Fixed a bug in the gluon/photon gauge fixing term for X2.
     38* 04.07.2013 - v3.1: fixed a bug in the gluon/photon gauge fixing term for X2.
     39* 20.07.2013 - v3.2: put the X width = 0.00407 GeV by HXSWG.
     40                                 introduced kqa, kqb, kla, and klb, instead of kfa and kfb.