Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of GeneralFCNTop

Oct 23, 2015, 3:05:01 AM (9 years ago)



  • GeneralFCNTop

    v4 v5  
    1010where Cx is a complex number and Ox is a dimension-six gauge invariant operator. In [1, 2] we can find the list of the most relevant and non-redundant operators Ox that are responsible for top anomalous interactions, in partic- ular for flavour changing neutral interactions. Using the results from those papers we arrive at the lagrangian of equation 2 wich is added to the SM lagrangian[[BR]]
    12 This lagrangian is implemented in the file wich is then loaded in Mathematica with the notebook topFCNC.nb .
     12This lagrangian is implemented in the file (see attachments)  wich is then loaded in Mathematica with the notebook topFCNC.nb (see attachements.
     14The paremeters that appear in LtopFCNC are complex numbers in general and their real and imaginary parts can be set manually by the user. They can be divided in the following blocks :[[BR]]
     15•the ζ block : set the strenght of the coupling between the top, a gluon and a up or charm quark, as well the chirality of this coupling. The default values of the real and imaginary parts are 0.[[BR]]
     16• the η block : set the strenght of the coupling between the top, the Higgs boson and a up or charm quark, as well the chirality of this coupling. The default values of the real and imaginary parts are 0.[[BR]]
     17• the X block : set the strenght of the vector coupling between the top, the Z boson and a up or charm quark, as well the chirality of this coupling. The default values of the real and imaginary parts are 0.[[BR]]
     18• the K block : set the strenght of the tensorial coupling between the top, the Z boson and a up or charm quark, as well the chirality of this coupling. The default values of the real and imaginary parts are 0.[[BR]]
     19• the λ block : set the strenght of the coupling between the top, the photon and a up or charm quark, as well the chirality of this coupling. The default values of the real and imaginary parts are 0.[[BR]]
     20This model can be used in Madgraph5 by typing in the command line'' import model topFCNC UFO''
     22=== Validation ===
     23To validate the UFO model we performed hermicity, mass spectrum tests as well cross-section tests. It was confirmed that the lagrangian is indeed hermitean. Since this lagrangian is just an extension of the SM lagrangian we obtained the same mass mass spectrum of the SM. In cross-section tests we verified that the cross-section is proportional to the modulos squared of the value of the anomalous couplings (exactly one non-zero coupling) and that it does not depend on the chirality of the coupling (with the same numerical value the left-handed coupling had the same cross-section as the right-handed coupling). The samples used for the cross-section tests were generated with MadGraph.
    1424=== References ===
    1525[1] J.A. Aguilar Saavedra, A minimal set of top anomalous couplings, arXiv:0811.3842v2 [hep-ph], 2008[[BR]]