
Version 4 (modified by nsetzer, 12 years ago) ( diff )


Table of Contents

  1. Status
    1. Completed
    2. In Progress
    3. Planned
    4. Wish List
  2. Operation
    1. Location of Objects
  3. References
    1. Saving/Reading
    2. FieldContainer class
    3. MathML Output
    4. Wiki Formatting



  • Fields return mass dimension based on spacetime dimension

In Progress

  • SUSY higher dimensional operators
  • Lagrangian to display <math><mrow><mfrac><mi>g</mi><mrow><msup><mi>&Lambda;</mi><mi>d</mi></msup></mrow></mfrac><mo>&InvisibleTimes;</mo><mi>O</mi></mrow></math>


  • Curved spacetime
  • Config dialog contains spacetime dimensions

Wish List


Location of Objects

The various components of the code need to be stored in specific locations and to avoid redundancy, as per the DRY principle, they should only be stored in one location. This list is meant to be the authoritative list as to the location of the various components.


Object Location
Compact Lie Group ?
Discrete Group ?
Symmetry Group Model, Points to either Compact Lie Group or Discrete Group
Field Model
Parameter Model
Lagrangian Model, Points to Field and Parameter



Possible XML parser Libraries in C++

"comprehensive" list of C++/C XML parsers

FieldContainer class

This is potentially useful for generating all possible subFieldContainers

MathML Output

Wiki Formatting

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.