= !FeynRules 2010 Workshop on automatization for BSM physics = Mont St. Odile, France, 14-19 March 2010. The aim of the workshop is to bring together few people to progress on topics related to automatization for BSM physics, important in this LHC era. [http://indico.in2p3.fr/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=2487 Programme] == Working Groups == [wiki:WorkingGroup1 Working Group 1] : Development of new quantum field theory functionalities in automatized codes. [wiki:WorkingGroup2 Working Group 2] : Interface development. [wiki:WorkingGroup3 Working Group 3 ] : Model implementation, validation and diffusion. [wiki:DatabaseDiscussions Database discussions] I. Superfields : II. Spin 2 and 3/2 : Development of spin 2 and spin 3/2 particles. III. Mass matrices : the issue of diagonalization of mass matrices is addressed. The main idea is to have FR to output a simple code that takes a LH file in and spits out LH file with the mass matrix diagonalized. IV. Counterterms for loop computations and RGE's V. Herwig VI. FeynArts interface VII. Helas output from FeynRules : for MadGraph and Herwig. VIII. Color : Discussion on the implementation of color-like structures in FR : exotic structures like e^ijk^ and sextets, color flows, and so on. IX. Web database. X. [wiki:WorkingGroup3 New Models]. == List of People in WG's == || || '''Superfields''' || '''Spin 2 & 3/2''' || '''Mass Matrices''' || '''CT, RGE''' || '''Herwig''' || '''!FeynArts .gen''' || '''Helas''' || '''Colour''' || '''Web Database''' || '''Models'''|| || || '''I''' || '''II''' || '''III''' || '''IV''' || '''V''' || '''VI''' || '''VII''' || '''VIII''' || '''IX''' || '''X'''|| || S. Belyaev || ||x || || || || || ||x||x||x|| || N. Christensen || ||x ||x || || || || || ||x|| || || P. de Aquino || ||x || || || || ||x|| || || || || C. Degrande || || || || || ||x|| || || || || || C. Duhr ||x|| || ||x ||x|| ||x||x||x|| || || B. Fuks ||x||(x)||x ||x || || || || ||x||x|| || D. Grellscheid || || ||(x)|| ||x|| || || ||x|| || || T. Hahn ||x||x ||x ||(x)|| ||x|| ||x|| || || || W. Link || || || || || || ||x|| || || || || F. Maltoni || || || || || || ||x||x||x||x|| || O. Mattelaer || || ||x || || || ||x|| ||x|| || || C. Speckner || ||x ||x || || || || || ||x|| || || M. Wiebusch || || ||x || || || || || || || || == Scattered Projects == * Splitting higher dimensional operators or 4-point verteces into 3-point ones by introducing auxiliary fields (Claude, Fabio, Christian...) * Automatic testing/validating suite from the web interface. A web page where a user upload the model file(s), ticks the MC that wants to be used, and the model gets validated directly (FR authors)...This could be an automatic star rating and would solve the issue of who is giving the stars...Also solve the issue of releasing a testing suite in Mathematica. We have to be careful with security issues and create a secure enviroment. * Java interface for introducing models (Neil) based on Gauge symmetries and particle content. Claude suggests to have it staged. First thing is to produce the model file but not the lagrangian.