= !FeynRules 2010 Workshop on automatization for BSM physics = Mont St. Odile, France, 14-19 March 2010. The aim of the workshop is to bring together few people to progress on topics related to automatization for BSM physics, important in this LHC era. [http://indico.in2p3.fr/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=2487 Programme] == Working Groups == I. Superfields : II. Spin 2 and 3/2 : Development of spin 2 and spin 3/2 particles. III. Mass matrices : the issue of diagonalization of mass matrices is addressed. The main idea is to have FR to output a simple code that takes a LH file in and spits out LH file with the mass matrix diagonalized. IV. Counterterms for loop computations and RGE's V. Herwig VI. FeynArts interface VII. Helas output from FeynRules : for MadGraph and Herwig. VIII. Color : Discussion on the implementation of color-like structures in FR : exotic structures like e^ijk^ and sextets, color flows, and so on. IX. Web database. X. New Models. == List of People in WG's == || || '''Superfields''' || '''Spin 2 & 3/2''' || '''Mass Matrices''' || '''CT, RGE''' || '''Herwig''' || '''!FeynArts .gen''' || '''Helas''' || '''Colour''' || '''Web Database''' || '''Models'''|| || || '''I''' || '''II''' || '''III''' || '''IV''' || '''V''' || '''VI''' || '''VII''' || '''VIII''' || '''IX''' || '''X'''|| || S. Belyaev || ||x || || || || || ||x||x||x|| || N. Christensen || ||x ||x || || || || || ||x|| || || P. de Aquino || ||x || || || || ||x|| || || || || C. Degrande || || || || || ||x|| || || || || || C. Duhr ||x|| || ||x ||x|| ||x||x||x|| || || B. Fuks ||x||(x)||x ||x || || || || ||x||x|| || D. Grellscheid || || ||(x)|| ||x|| || || ||x|| || || T. Hahn ||x||x ||x ||(x)|| ||x|| ||x|| || || || W. Link || || || || || || ||x|| || || || || F. Maltoni || || || || || || ||x||x||x||x|| || O. Mattelaer || || ||x || || || ||x|| ||x|| || || C. Speckner || ||x ||x || || || || || ||x|| || || M. Wiebusch || || ||x || || || || || || || || [wiki:WorkingGroup1 Working Group 1] [wiki:WorkingGroup2 Working Group 2] [wiki:WorkingGroup3 Working Group 3]