Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of FICPLHC

Nov 8, 2018, 5:55:19 PM (6 years ago)




    v1 v2  
    1 Insert text here...
     1= LHC-friendly minimal freeze-in models with a charged parent =
     3== Implementation Authors
     5Genevieve Belanger, Nishita Desai, Andreas Goudelis, Julia Harz, Andre Lessa, Jose Miguel No, Alexander Pukhov, Sezen Sekmen, Dipan Sengupta, Bryan Zaldivar, Jose Zurita
     7== Model description
     9In this set of three models, the Standard Model of particle physics (SM) is augmented by a gauge singlet scalar particle ''s'', which plays the role of a dark matter candidate, along with an ''SU(2),,L,,''-singlet vector-like fermion ''F''. These particles are taken to be odd under a discrete '''Z,,2,,''' symmetry, whereas the SM is taken to be even. The dark matter particles communicate with the SM through Yukawa-type interactions involving the left-handed component of the vector-like fermion and the right-handed component of the SM fermions, as well as through the Higgs portal interaction. The three models are distinguished by the ''SU(3),,c,, X U(1),,Y,,'' transformation properties of ''F'', which depend on whether the new Yukawa-type interactions involve the SM right-handed leptons, up-type quarks or down-type quarks. For more details please cf the accompanying pdf that can be found in the Attachments section.
     11== Files
     13* modeldescription.pdf: A detailed description of the three models, including the particle content, Lagrangian, parameter names and conventions.
     15* LesHouchesModelFreezeIn-leptons.tar.gz: The "heavy lepton" model (FeynRules implementation and sample notebook for model file creation, UFO and CalcHEP model files)
     17* LesHouchesModelFreezeIn-up.tar.gz: The "heavy up-type quark" model (FeynRules implementation and sample notebook for model file creation, UFO and CalcHEP model files)
     19* LesHouchesModelFreezeIn-down.tar.gz: The "heavy down-type" model (FeynRules implementation and sample notebook for model file creation, UFO and CalcHEP model files)
     21== Validation
     23The model files have been independently checked by several of the authors
     25== References
     27If you use these model files, please cite
     29* G. Brooijmans ''et. al.'', '''Les Houches 2017: Physics at TeV Colliders - New Physics Working Group Report''', arXiv:1803.10379 [hep-ph]
     31* G. Bélanger, N. Desai, A. Goudelis, J. Harz, A. Lessa, J.M. No, A. Pukhov, S. Sekmen, D. Sengupta, B. Zaldivar, J. Zurita, '''LHC-friendly minimal freeze-in models''', arXiv:1811.XXXXX''''''