
Version 9 (modified by Yoav Afik, 6 years ago) ( diff )


4-fermion EFT with FCNC implementation


  • Yoav Afik (yoavafik@…)
  • Jonathan Cohen (jcohen@…)
  • Eitan Gozani
  • Enrique Kajomovitz
  • Yoram Rozen

Department of Physics, Technion: Israel Institute of Technology Haifa, Israel

Description of the model:

This is a Contact Interaction model with b-s-l-l FCNC terms. The lagrangian of the model is described by:

\mathcal{L}_{eff} = \frac{C_{ij}^{U \mu}}{v^2} (\bar{u}_{L}^{i} \gamma_{\mu} u_{L}^{j}) (\bar{\mu}_{L} \gamma^{\mu} \mu_{L}) + \frac{C_{ij}^{D \mu}}{v^2} (\bar{d}_{L}^{i} \gamma_{\mu} d_{L}^{j}) (\bar{\mu}_{L} \gamma^{\mu} \mu_{L}) + \\
\frac{C_{ij}^{U e}}{v^2} (\bar{u}_{L}^{i} \gamma_{\mu} u_{L}^{j}) (\bar{e}_{L} \gamma^{\mu} e_{L}) + \frac{C_{ij}^{D e}}{v^2} (\bar{d}_{L}^{i} \gamma_{\mu} d_{L}^{j}) (\bar{e}_{L} \gamma^{\mu} e_{L})

Only the off-diagonal elements for the b-s admixtures are considered, since those are the ones related to the observed b-s-l-l anomalies. The matrices take the form:

C_{ij}^{U \mu} = 
\begin{pmatrix} C_{u \mu} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & C_{c \mu} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & C_{t \mu} \end{pmatrix} 
C_{ij}^{D \mu} = 
\begin{pmatrix} C_{d \mu} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & C_{s \mu} & C_{b s \mu}^{*} \\ 0 & C_{b s \mu} & C_{b \mu} \end{pmatrix} 

C_{ij}^{U e} = 
\begin{pmatrix} C_{u e} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & C_{c e} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & C_{t e} \end{pmatrix} 
C_{ij}^{D e} = 
\begin{pmatrix} C_{d e} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & C_{s e} & C_{b s e}^{*} \\ 0 & C_{b s e} & C_{b e} \end{pmatrix} 

A more simple model is also attached, contains only the b-s-l-l non-diagonal terms for simplicity.

Model Files:

Commands for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO:

define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~ 
define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~ 
generate p p > mu+ mu- 
add process p p > mu+ mu- j 
add process p p > mu+ mu- j j 


[1] Afik, Y., Cohen, J., Gozani, E. et al. J. High Energ. Phys. (2018) 2018: 56.

[2] Greljo, A. & Marzocca, D. Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77: 548.

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