Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of EffectiveModels

Sep 19, 2017, 10:34:13 PM (7 years ago)
Benjamin Fuks



  • EffectiveModels

    v10 v11  
    33|| '''Model''' ||'''Short Description'''|| '''Contact''' || '''Status''' ||
     4||[wiki:AnomalousGaugeCoupling Anomalous Gauge Boson Couplings]||Model including anomalous couplings among gauge bosons||O.J.P. Eboli, M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia|| '''Available''' ||
     5||[wiki:BSMCharacterisation BSM Characterisation]||The SM EFT Lagrangian in the mass basis|| B. Fuks, K. Mawatari || '''Available''' ||
     6||[wiki:NLSM Chiral perturbation theory]||The effective Lagrangian describing the low-energy interaction of mesons.||C. Degrande|| '''Available''' ||
     7||[wiki:4topEFT Effective theory for 4 top production]||Dimension-six operators invariant under the SM symmetries affecting 4 top interactions||C.Degrande|| '''Available''' ||
     8||[wiki:EWdim6 Effective theory for weak gauge boson production]||Dimension-six operators invariant under the SM symmetries affecting triple gauge boson interactions||C.Degrande|| '''Available''' ||
     9||[wiki:HiggsTopCurrents Effective top-Higgs interactions]||Dimension 6 Higgs-top interactions.|| E. Salvioni and J. Dror || '''Available''' ||
     10||[wiki:HEL Higgs Effective Lagrangian]||Higgs effective Lagrangian including operators up-to dimension 6.|| A. Alloul, B. Fuks and V. Sanz || '''Available''' ||
     11||[HiggsEffectiveTheory Higgs effective theory]|| An add-on for the SM implementation containing the dimension 5 gluon fusion operator. || C. Duhr || '''Available''' ||
    412||[ThreeSiteModel Mimimal Higgsless Model (3-Site Model)]||A higgsless model, including new heavy fermions and a Z' and a W' boson. || N. Christensen || '''Available''' ||
    5 ||[wiki:NLSM Chiral perturbation theory]||The effective Lagrangian describing the low-energy interaction of mesons.||C. Degrande|| '''Available''' ||
     13||[wiki:NTGC nTGC Effective theory]||dimension-8 operators invariant under the SM symmetries affecting neutral triple gauge boson couplings||C. Degrande|| '''Available''' ||
    614||[wiki:SILH Strongly Interacting Light Higgs]||A model including higher-dimensional SM operators to describe strongly coupled theories of EWSB.||C. Degrande|| '''Available''' ||
     15||[wiki:TechniColor Technicolor]||The Minimal Walking Technicolor Model||M. Järvinen, T. Hapola, E. Del Nobile, C. Pica|| '''Available''' ||
     16||[wiki:SMEFT The SMEFT in the Warsaw basis]||Standard Model Effective Field Theory||I. Brivio, Y. Jiang, M. Trott,|| '''Available''' ||
    717||[wiki:TopEffTh Top Effective theory]||Higher-dimensional operators invariant under the SM symmetries affecting top production and decay||C. Degrande|| '''Available''' ||
    8 ||[wiki:TechniColor Technicolor]||The Minimal Walking Technicolor Model||M. Järvinen, T. Hapola, E. Del Nobile, C. Pica|| '''Available''' ||
    9 ||[wiki:AnomalousGaugeCoupling Anomalous Gauge Boson Couplings]||Model including anomalous couplings among gauge bosons||O.J.P. Eboli, M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia|| '''Available''' ||
     18||[wiki:TopFCNC Top Effective theory for FCNC]||Dimension-six operators invariant under the SM symmetries affecting top FCNC||C.Degrande, G. Durieux, F. Maltoni, C. Zhang|| '''Available''' ||
    1019||[wiki:VLQ Vector-like quarks]||Extension of the SM with new VLQ top partners||M. Buchkremer, G. Cacciapaglia, A. Deandrea, L. Panizzi|| '''Available''' ||
    11 ||[wiki:NTGC nTGC Effective theory]||dimension-8 operators invariant under the SM symmetries affecting neutral triple gauge boson couplings||C. Degrande|| '''Available''' ||
    12 ||[wiki:TopFCNC Top Effective theory for FCNC]||Dimension-six operators invariant under the SM symmetries affecting top FCNC||C.Degrande, G. Durieux, F. Maltoni, C. Zhang|| '''Available''' ||
    13 ||[wiki:EWdim6 Effective theory for weak gauge boson production]||Dimension-six operators invariant under the SM symmetries affecting triple gauge boson interactions||C.Degrande|| '''Available''' ||
    14 ||[wiki:4topEFT Effective theory for 4 top production]||Dimension-six operators invariant under the SM symmetries affecting 4 top interactions||C.Degrande|| '''Available''' ||
    15 ||[wiki:BSMCharacterisation BSM Characterisation]||The SM EFT Lagrangian in the mass basis|| B. Fuks, K. Mawatari || '''Available''' ||
    16 ||[HiggsEffectiveTheory Higgs effective theory]|| An add-on for the SM implementation containing the dimension 5 gluon fusion operator. || C. Duhr || '''Available''' ||
    17 ||[wiki:HEL Higgs Effective Lagrangian]||Higgs effective Lagrangian including operators up-to dimension 6.|| A. Alloul, B. Fuks and V. Sanz || '''Available''' ||
    18 ||[wiki:HiggsTopCurrents Effective top-Higgs interactions]||Dimension 6 Higgs-top interactions.|| E. Salvioni and J. Dror || '''Available''' ||