
Version 30 (modified by Antony Martini, 9 years ago) ( diff )


Simplified dark matter models


  • s-channel
    • Antony Martini (Université catholique de Louvain) & Kentarou Mawatari (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
      • Emails: kentarou.mawatari @
  • electroweak
    • Jian Wang (Johnnas Gutenberg University of Mainz) & Cen Zhang (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • Emails: cenzhang @

Description of the model

This is simplified dark matter models for NLO. Our lagrangian consists of different types of DM:

  • Xr (real scalar DM)
  • Xc (complex scalar DM)
  • Xd (Dirac spinor DM)
  • Xm (Majorana spinor DM) (to be done.)
  • ...

and different types of mediators:

  • s-channel
    • Y0 (spin-0)
    • Y1 (spin-1)
    • Y2 (spin-2) (to be done.)
    • ...
  • t-channel (to be done.)

One can find the model lagrangian in the note.

Alpha version

Beta version

Model files

  • TBD : the s-channel model files in UFO format
  • TO BE DONE: include the s-channel+EW model files in UFO format

NLO QCD process samples for s-channel mediators

Remember that "scalar" below means scalar/pseudoscalar and "vector" means vector/axial-vector.

  • NLO vector mediator + jets
import model DMsimp_s_spin1
generate p p > xd xd~ j [QCD]
generate p p > xd xd~ j j [QCD]
  • NLO ttbar associated production with a scalar mediator coupling only to tops
import model DMsimp_s_spin0
generate p p > xd xd~ t t~ [QCD] 

NLO EW process samples for s-channel mediators

Remember that "scalar" below means scalar/pseudoscalar and "vector" means vector/axial-vector.

  • NLO scalar mediator + a,z,w+
import model DMsimp_ew_scalar_5f_UFO 
generate p p > xd xd~ z [QCD]
generate p p > xd xd~ a [QCD]
generate p p > xd xd~ w+ [QCD] 
  • NLO vector mediator + h
import model DMsimp_ew_vector_5f_UFO 
generate p p > xd xd~ h [QCD] 

LO loop (top-quark) induced

  • monojet
import model DMsimp_s_spin0
generate p p > xd xd~ j [QCD]
  • mono-Z
import model DMsimp_s_spin0
generate p p > xd xd~ z [QCD]
  • mono-photon (will be 0 for all couplings)
import model DMsimp_s_spin0
generate p p > xd xd~ a [QCD]
  • mono-Higgs
import model DMsimp_s_spin0
generate p p > xd xd~ h [QCD]

Version updates

*2015.08.20 - v0.1_beta: beta version.

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