Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of B-L-SM

Nov 30, 2018, 5:58:15 PM (6 years ago)



  • B-L-SM

    v12 v13  
    4242* Please cite and for the using this version of the model.
    4343* This version
    44  * LHC Constraints on a
     44 * LHC Constraints on a B-L Gauge Model using Contur
     45 * Long-lived Heavy Neutrinos from Higgs Decays (The study of the parameter space in the neutrino sector)
     46* Previous version
     47 * For the pure B-L benchmark see also Phenomenology of the minimal B-L extension of the Standard model: Z' and neutrinos.
     48 * Theoretical constraints on the couplings of non-exotic minimal Z' bosons (full model description in Feynman gauge)
     49 * Details about available parameter space and experimental/theoretical constraints can be found in:
     50 * Tree Level Unitarity Bounds for the Minimal B-L Model
     51 * Z' discovery potential at the LHC in the minimal B-L extension of the Standard Model
     52 * A Renormalisation Group Equation Study of the Scalar Sector of the Minimal B-L Extension of the Standard Model
     53 * Phenomenology of the minimal B−L extension of the Standard Model: the Higgs sector
     60** Model files
     62See attachments
     65** Parameter description and user guide
     67The choice of benchmark model within the class is done by selecting the appropriate relation between the new gauge couplings. "g1p" is the gauge coupling directly connected to the U(1)_{B-L} group (also present in the minimal B-L model files). Because of the limited number of degrees of freedom, the Z' mass has been chosen as the last free parameter, adjustable by the user. Therefore, the B-L-breaking vev and the Z-boson are INTERNAL parameters, evaluated as a function of the input parameters (g1p, MZp). Henceforth, it's up to the user to choose values for the independent parameter complying to experimental constraints to ensure not to spoil in particular the Z mass. Per given benchmark model, it is sufficient to choose a Zp mass allowed by the LEP II constraints to obtain a Z mass compatible with the LEP II measurement, within errors.
     68 {{{#!comment
     70The choice of benchmark model within the class is done by selecting the appropriate relation between the new gauge couplings. "g1p" is the gauge coupling directly connected to the U(1)_{B-L} group (also present in the minimal B-L model files), "gt" is the mixing parameter. Because of the limited number of degrees of freedom, the Z' mass has been chosen as the last free parameter, adjustable by the user. Therefore, the mixing Z-Z' angle, the B-L-breaking vev and the Z-boson are INTERNAL parameters, evaluated as a function of the input parameters (g1p, gt, MZp). Henceforth, it's up to the user to choose values for the independent parameter complying to experimental constraints to ensure not to spoil in particular the Z mass. Per given benchmark model, it is sufficient to choose a Zp mass allowed by the LEP constraints to obtain a Z mass compatible with the LEP measurement, within errors.