Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of AnomalousGaugeCoupling

Aug 21, 2012, 1:01:39 PM (12 years ago)
Oscar Eboli



  • AnomalousGaugeCoupling

    v6 v7  
    2 '''Anomalous quartic electroweak gauge-boson Interactions'''
     2'''Anomalous quartic electroweak gauge-boson interactions'''
    1212We concentrate on anomalous quartic interaction among the electroweak gauge bosons that do not have a triple vertex associated to it. We describe these interactions using
    13 dimension eight effective operators assuming that the recently observed Higgs boson belongs to a SU(2) doublet; see the file ''quartic.pdf'' for further details. This model
    14 is an extendion of the Standard Model (SM) implemented at []; for further details see this link.
     13dimension eight effective operators assuming that the recently observed Higgs boson belongs to a SU(2),,L,, doublet; see the file
     14[ quartic.pdf]  for further details. This model
     15is an extension of the Standard Model (SM) implemented at []; for further details see this link.
    16 The model labeled SM_LS0_LS1 contains the standard model interactions supplemented by the dimension eight operators L_{S,0} and L_{S,1} defined in the file "quartic.pdf". These dimension eight effective operators modify the vertices WWWW, WWZZ, and WWZZ that can be a simple re-scaling of the SM quartic interaction for a suitable choice of couplings.
     17The model labeled SM_LS0_LS1 contains the standard model interactions supplemented by the dimension eight operators L,,S,0,, and L,,S,1,, defined in the file [ quartic.pdf]. These dimension eight effective operators modify the vertices WWWW, WWZZ, and WWZZ that can be a simple re-scaling of the SM quartic interaction for a suitable choice of couplings.
    18 The model labeled SM_LT8_LT9 contains the standard model interactions supplemented by the dimension eight operators L_{T,8} and L_{T,9} defined in the file "quartic.pdf". These dimension eight effective operators give rise to anomalous AAAA, AAAZ, AAZZ, AZZZ, and ZZZZ vertices.
     19The model labeled SM_LT8_LT9 contains the standard model interactions supplemented by the dimension eight operators L,,T,8,, and L,,T,9,, defined in the file [ quartic.pdf]. These dimension eight effective operators give rise to anomalous AAAA, AAAZ, AAZZ, AZZZ, and ZZZZ vertices.
    23 * ''Strongly interacting vector bosons at the CERN LHC: Quartic anomalous couplings'' , A.S. Belyaev et al, Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 015022
     24* ''Strongly interacting vector bosons at the CERN LHC: Quartic anomalous couplings'' , A.S. Belyaev et al, Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 015022 [ (hep-ph/9805229)]
    25 * ''p p ---> j j e+- mu+- nu nu and j j e+- mu-+ nu nu at order ... for the study of the quartic electroweak gauge boson vertex at CERN LHC'',  O.J.P. Eboli, M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia , and J.K. Mizukoshi, Phys.Rev. D74 (2006) 073005  [the dimension eight operators are from this reference]
     26* ''p p ---> j j e+- mu+- nu nu and j j e+- mu-+ nu nu at order ... for the study of the quartic electroweak gauge boson vertex at CERN LHC'',  O.J.P. Eboli, M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia , and J.K. Mizukoshi, Phys.Rev. D74 (2006) 073005  [ (hep-ph/0606118 ] the dimension eight operators are from this reference)
    27 * ''Anomalous quartic gauge boson couplings at hadron colliders'', Oscar J.P. Eboli, M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia, S.M. Lietti, and S.F. Novaes., Phys.Rev. D63 (2001) 075008
     28* ''Anomalous quartic gauge boson couplings at hadron colliders'', Oscar J.P. Eboli, M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia, S.M. Lietti, and S.F. Novaes., Phys.Rev. D63 (2001) 075008 [ hep-ph/0009262)]
    29 * ''Bosonic quartic couplings at CERN LHC'', O.J.P. Eboli, M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia, and S.M. Lietti, Phys.Rev. D69 (2004) 095005.
     30* ''Bosonic quartic couplings at CERN LHC'', O.J.P. Eboli, M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia, and S.M. Lietti, Phys.Rev. D69 (2004) 095005 [ (hep-ph/0310141)]
    33 The model files include the quartic and SM vertices in the unitary gauge.  To generate further models use the notebook "quartic_ls01.nb" as an exemple and include the additional interactions
    34 that are already defined in the model file "".
     34The model files include the quartic and SM vertices in the unitary gauge.  To generate further models use the notebooks [ quartic_ls01.nb]  or   [ quartic_lt89.nb]   as exemples and include the additional interactions that are already defined in the model file  []. The anomalous couplings are set to 1 GeV^-4^  by default, thus they should be conveniently chosen before the event generation