Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of ALPsEFT

Sep 20, 2017, 4:54:09 PM (7 years ago)
Ilaria Brivio




    v8 v9  
    2525Two major frameworks for the electroweak sector are considered: a linear realization of electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB), typical of weakly coupled new physics, and a non-linear one, such as those in constructions involving new strongly interacting physics. In the first scenario, the ALP is coupled to a "linear" EFT (also called SMEFT), in which the Higgs boson belongs to an exact SU(2) doublet and the interaction terms are organized in an expansion in mass dimension.
    26 In the latter scenario, instead, two independent fields are introduced for the EW Goldstone bosons and for the physical Higgs, and one constructs a "chiral" EFT (sometimes also called non-linear or HEFT), in which the effective operators are ordered according to a more complex counting that, for the Goldstone bosons sector, reduces to a derivative one.
     26In the latter scenario, instead, two independent fields are introduced for the EW Goldstone bosons and for the physical Higgs, and one constructs a "chiral" EFT (sometimes also called non-linear EFT or HEFT), in which the effective operators are ordered according to a more complex counting that, for the Goldstone bosons sector, reduces to a derivative expansion.
    28 The models presented here implement complete sets of operators for ALP interactions with the bosonic sector of the SM, up to next-to-leading terms in the effective expansion.
    29 This corresponds to 4 operators of dimension 6 for the linear EFT and to 18 invariants with up to 4 derivatives for the chiral EFT. The operators are defined with an NDA normalization, according to the notation used in  [ arXiv:1701.05379].
     28The models presented here implement complete sets of CP-even operators for ALP interactions with the bosonic sector of the SM, up to next-to-leading terms in the effective expansions.
     29These amount to 4 operators of dimension 5 for the linear EFT and to 18 operators with up to 4 derivatives for the chiral EFT.
     30The chiral operators are defined with an NDA normalization, according to the notation used in  [ arXiv:1701.05379].
    34 The Feynrules models supplied contain only the definition of the ALP particle and of its interactions, and should therefore be loaded alongside the SM Lagrangian.
     34Note that the models supplied contain only the definition of the ALP particle and of its interactions, and should therefore be loaded alongside the SM.