Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of AHttbarNLO

Aug 17, 2017, 3:03:46 PM (7 years ago)
Diogo Buarque Franzosi



  • AHttbarNLO

    v1 v2  
    1 blabla
     1'''Authors''': Cen Zhang, Diogo Buarque Franzosi, Eleni Vryonidou
     3'''Reference''': arXiv:1707.06760
     5'''Abstract''': The model allows the computation of (pseudo-)scalar resonance production in top-antitop quarks final state at NLO in QCD accuracy, including interference effects.
     8To use the model in MadGraph_aMC@NLO you need to follow these instructions:
     91 - comment line self['loop_diagrams']=newloopselection in madgraph/loop/ inside your distribution
     102 - generate the output with > import model AHttbar >define p = 21 2 4 1 3 -2 -4 -1 -3 5 -5 >define j = p >set complex_mass_scheme >generate p p > t t~ QCD=2 QED=1 EFT=1 [QCD] >output PROC_pp-tt
     113 - go into the generated directory (e.g. PROC_pp-tt) and comment the following lines in SubProcesses/montecarlocounter.fc write(*,*)'Error #4 in set_matrices' c write(*,*)isspecial0,nglu,nsngl c stop c write(*,*)'Error #6 in check_mc_matrices', c # notagluon,ntot,max_bcol c stop 4 - modify cards according to your needs and generate events using standard commands. SM QCD background, signal and interference will be generated on the same sample.
     124 - In the parameter card, the lambda, yht, yht5, ctg, cphig, cphig5 correspond to the coefficients in eq.3.12; yhf and yhf5 are not used by the model; muprime and muyukawa are the (MSbar) scales at which the operator coefficients and the yht/yht5 are defined respectively; creal + i*cimag is the adhoc phase we had to add to all operators for reweighting purpose; cc is an overall coefficient that is multiplied to all operators (so that you can set cc=+x and cc=-x and subtract the two samples to get the pure interference.)