Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of 2HDM

Feb 16, 2010, 11:39:17 PM (15 years ago)
Claude Duhr



  • 2HDM

    v5 v6  
    2424The symmetric matrix squared mass matrix for the three neutral Higgs field is diagonalized by an orthogonal matrix T which describe the relation between the physical scalar fields and the doublet neutral components. Even though this matrix is directly related to the potential parameter, it is still considered as an external input in the current implementation and must be provided by the user.
    26 In the current implementation of the 2HDM into FeynRules, the user has to provide numerical values for all the lambda_i parameters in the Higgs basis, together with the charged Higgs mass. The other parameters of the potential, such as the \mu_i, are then deduced from these inputs. Contrary, the T matrix must be calculated externally. This, together with the change of basis required if the user wants to provide potential parameters and Yukawa coupling values in bases different from the Higgs basis, as it is often the case, can be done using the ''TwoHiggsCalc'' calculator introduced for the original implementation of the 2HDM in !MadGraph. This code has been modified to produce a parameter file compatible with the present implementation. This calculator can also be used to calculate the required Higgs boson tree-level decay widths. It can be found at
     26In the current implementation of the 2HDM into !FeynRules, the user has to provide numerical values for all the lambda_i parameters in the Higgs basis, together with the charged Higgs mass. The other parameters of the potential, such as the \mu_i, are then deduced from these inputs. Contrary, the T matrix must be calculated externally. This, together with the change of basis required if the user wants to provide potential parameters and Yukawa coupling values in bases different from the Higgs basis, as it is often the case, can be done using the ''!TwoHiggsCalc'' calculator introduced for the original implementation of the 2HDM in !MadGraph. This code has been modified to produce a parameter file compatible with the present implementation. This calculator can also be used to calculate the required Higgs boson tree-level decay widths. It can be found at