
Apr 14, 2022:

2:46 PM TopHeavyRes edited by LucDarme

Apr 8, 2022:

6:11 PM SimpleExtensions edited by Benjamin Fuks
4:28 PM sgluonsFull_UFO.zip attached to TopHeavyRes by LucDarme
UFO files for the scalar octet (sgluon) case, NLO-compatible
4:25 PM TopHeavyRes edited by LucDarme

Apr 6, 2022:

9:18 AM SimpleExtensions edited by Mattelaer Olivier
9:17 AM SimpleExtensions edited by Mattelaer Olivier

Mar 21, 2022:

11:42 AM NLOModels edited by Benjamin Fuks
11:39 AM eVLQ_v6.tar.gz attached to NLOModels by Benjamin Fuks
Snowmass 2021 tarball
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.