
Oct 14, 2015:

10:35 PM SimpleExtensions edited by Benjamin Fuks
5:32 PM EFTmassbasis edited by mawatari
5:21 PM BSMCharacterisation edited by mawatari

Oct 7, 2015:

11:26 AM BSMCharacterisation edited by Benjamin Fuks
11:25 AM BSMCharaterisation created by Benjamin Fuks
BSMCharaterisation → …
11:24 AM EFTmassbasis created by Benjamin Fuks

Oct 5, 2015:

10:41 PM NLOModels edited by bald

Oct 1, 2015:

9:54 PM susyqcd_ufo.tgz attached to NLOModels by Benjamin Fuks
susyqcd model
9:43 PM NLOModels edited by Benjamin Fuks

Sep 30, 2015:

10:14 PM DMsimp edited by mawatari

Sep 20, 2015:

7:13 PM InertDoublet edited by an_drikos
6:12 PM InertDoublet edited by Céline Degrande
6:10 PM InertDoublet.tar.gz attached to InertDoublet by Céline Degrande
The IDM model files (tarball includes FeynRules, CalcHEP, UFO and …

Sep 18, 2015:

2:08 PM DMsimp edited by mawatari
1:45 PM DMsimp edited by mawatari
1:43 PM DMsimp_s_spin0_LO_CH.zip attached to DMsimp by mawatari
DMsimp_s_spin0_LO CH model file v1.0
1:43 PM DMsimp_s_spin1_LO_CH.zip attached to DMsimp by mawatari
DMsimp_s_spin1_LO CH model file v1.0
12:15 AM NLOModels edited by bald
12:15 AM NLOModels edited by bald

Sep 16, 2015:

11:58 AM InertDoublet edited by an_drikos

Sep 14, 2015:

10:38 AM NLOModels edited by Céline Degrande
10:35 AM 2HDM edited by Céline Degrande
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.